ummmmm, not feeling like adding anything remotely interesting today.
LA is hotter than a mofo right now.
Everyone have a great day.
Sometimes I get discouraged.
I look around and, things are so weak
People are so weak
Sometimes I feel like crying.
Sometimes my heart gets heavy
Sometimes I just want to leave and fly away.
Sometimes I don't know what to do...
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LA is hotter than a mofo right now.
Everyone have a great day.
Sometimes I get discouraged.
I look around and, things are so weak
People are so weak
Sometimes I feel like crying.
Sometimes my heart gets heavy
Sometimes I just want to leave and fly away.
Sometimes I don't know what to do...
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So i watched 'Wonderful Days' last night. It was just ok, not great, not even very good, just ok. The problem it had mainly was a lack of story. Probably would have been a more effective work if it had be sqaushed into an animated short.
Graphically tho, the way they combined the CG with the traditional cell animation was nice. As far as innovative...
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Graphically tho, the way they combined the CG with the traditional cell animation was nice. As far as innovative...
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You did yours?!?!
If I ever come out there or you here,ya got a canvas,Bro!
You did yours?!?!
If I ever come out there or you here,ya got a canvas,Bro!

was up! I read that last meal thread. I'ts fucked up, why even ask them if they're not gonna go through with it? I've thaught about this befor for some reason and I'm pretty sure i'd stop eating days beforhand. just some feeling... even hunger would be comforting.
Welp. Hump day. It would be a perfect day to stay home and watch new anime, but alas, gotta pay the bills.
I think my father is starting to feel neglected by me during the short time that i visit weekly. He hasn't said anything to me, and probably never will, Communication between he and i is mostly unspoken, kind of like the way two...
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I think my father is starting to feel neglected by me during the short time that i visit weekly. He hasn't said anything to me, and probably never will, Communication between he and i is mostly unspoken, kind of like the way two...
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Yeah,All my Nanas and Grammas taught me well over the years! I wrote that for my wifes Granma who passed over last Friday.I'm on the outs with her side of the family,so I won't be going down south.
I don't watch that much anime anymore except for Excel Saga and Serial Experiments:Lain.Good series if you get a chance to see them.
I feel you on the father issue also.I love my Daddy to death but we don't talk.I see him about once or twice a year at best.It makes me sad cause I know deep down that he loves me but can't express it.
Yeah,All my Nanas and Grammas taught me well over the years! I wrote that for my wifes Granma who passed over last Friday.I'm on the outs with her side of the family,so I won't be going down south.

I don't watch that much anime anymore except for Excel Saga and Serial Experiments:Lain.Good series if you get a chance to see them.
I feel you on the father issue also.I love my Daddy to death but we don't talk.I see him about once or twice a year at best.It makes me sad cause I know deep down that he loves me but can't express it.
I've been meaning to see "Metropolis" since it first became available, but I've never managed to get a copy. I don't suppose you could put a note up if it's any good.
If I may say, I think the paternal silence thing is kind of common. I honestly can't remember the last thing my dad and I talked about. Our average conversation is about 30 secs, but we have a good relationship and I know he'd do anything for us. Communication is tough.
If I may say, I think the paternal silence thing is kind of common. I honestly can't remember the last thing my dad and I talked about. Our average conversation is about 30 secs, but we have a good relationship and I know he'd do anything for us. Communication is tough.
Took yesterday offa work. I just said fukit and stayed home watching movies.
Didn't do my laundry, write my bills or anything. Was just one of those days. Today, i'm back at work, got a crap load of things to do but no real drive to do em.
Am i alone in the feeling that Starsky and Hutch should never have gone to the big...
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Didn't do my laundry, write my bills or anything. Was just one of those days. Today, i'm back at work, got a crap load of things to do but no real drive to do em.
Am i alone in the feeling that Starsky and Hutch should never have gone to the big...
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I'm in love with your art. 

hey you collect late notifications also? What a small world...sorry it took me a while to get back with ya...I had a lil bit too much to drink and a lil bit too much of other things
....have a good day

Damn time flys when you're working your ass off. Nice change of pace. I'm not built for sitting on my ass, i need to move on a project full steam, or i'm not feeling like myself at all. I just started reading 'Mind wide open" by Steven Johnson. First chapter was about the study of subtle communication's and the conversations humans can have thru sub...
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heya. just passin through and checked your art.
your grey scales are fucking tight. nice work.
you have a site of your own? ...seems you must. i'd love to see abit more.
your grey scales are fucking tight. nice work.
you have a site of your own? ...seems you must. i'd love to see abit more.
Oh the horors. IT"S A SETTUP I TELL YA!!!!
Hey watch out for those oils man...I'm swithching to acrylics now for the same reason. They're my favorite medium, but damn the headaches!! and raught of me brain
Hey watch out for those oils man...I'm swithching to acrylics now for the same reason. They're my favorite medium, but damn the headaches!! and raught of me brain
Ah, another monday.
It's taken me all day to read thru the weekends juiciest posts.
Speaking of the weekend, i did jack shit for two days straight. It felt good to get a lil peaceful sleep. "falling out of light is just as divine as falling in." HWP
I did alittle soul searching, and i think i was on the verge of something profound, until...
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It's taken me all day to read thru the weekends juiciest posts.
Speaking of the weekend, i did jack shit for two days straight. It felt good to get a lil peaceful sleep. "falling out of light is just as divine as falling in." HWP
I did alittle soul searching, and i think i was on the verge of something profound, until...
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Yeah! yeah! give us some SNOW!!! I so wanted to paint something when I saw that last set, but really, I need to stay away from that shit. I don't do the girls justice.
Man, I live at the beach and I'm always getting myself stuck in traffic just blocks from drives me mad sometimes, but I do get to see lots of pretty things running around.
The airbrushes are sick! Do you use traditional brushes on canvas?
Man, I live at the beach and I'm always getting myself stuck in traffic just blocks from drives me mad sometimes, but I do get to see lots of pretty things running around.
The airbrushes are sick! Do you use traditional brushes on canvas?
nice pics man..
Another day, another dollar. hours blend into days, days into weeks... It's a wonder that people fair as well as we do sometimes.
The weekend should be busy for me. Gotta re-format my hardrive , which basically means kiss an entire day goodbye as i get to install software for hours.
I'm getting restless, but don't have anything specific that i want to do with...
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The weekend should be busy for me. Gotta re-format my hardrive , which basically means kiss an entire day goodbye as i get to install software for hours.
I'm getting restless, but don't have anything specific that i want to do with...
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you're kiddng me, man! that is some badass art! you working on anything now? keep it coming.
Oh man, Strange...I once had an ex in Australia who did the same. We kept up a friendly phone relationship for awhile, but it really got to be pointless.
Don't let the computer sap that restlessness!
Don't let the computer sap that restlessness!
So i spent all of last night with my good friend muling over the direction life/art has been leading us these past couple of years. Half a bottle of rum, and a trip to the liquor store later, i came to realize that we kept talkin about life and art as if they were the same thing.
In years past, i would have said that...
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In years past, i would have said that...
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hmmm, music? Sometimes that's the only thing that brings me happiness. I picked up a guitar less than a year ago and was havving a great time with it for a while. I've been focusing on painting lately though.
I think every artist I've ever known gives it up now and again, but it's just in you. It'll come back and you'll find yourself unable to not do something. You're way too good though. That shits gotta come out eventualy.
I ignored art for about 8 years and now I regret it. my skills are fo shore lacking, but if I don't compare my shit to other people's than it still brings me some happiness.
I bet you'll come back and do things that are new to you. Whatever and whenever, I'm sure it'll be awesome.
I think every artist I've ever known gives it up now and again, but it's just in you. It'll come back and you'll find yourself unable to not do something. You're way too good though. That shits gotta come out eventualy.
I ignored art for about 8 years and now I regret it. my skills are fo shore lacking, but if I don't compare my shit to other people's than it still brings me some happiness.
I bet you'll come back and do things that are new to you. Whatever and whenever, I'm sure it'll be awesome.
thank's for the 'wonderful days' link. i just ordered it. i'm going to be in los angeles next weekend, and i was wondering if you knew where a guy goes to see the kinds of movies that are 'only playing in NY and LA'.
I'm eagerly awaiting the new disaster flick 'The Day After Tomorrow'. There's a scene in the movie where the building i work in is on fire, and i can actually see aproximately what floor my ass would be cooking on. I have an image in my pics folder if you feel like checking it out.
Another hot ass day in LA. I dont even want...
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Another hot ass day in LA. I dont even want...
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we make a shit load of web sites- anything from adult to corporate stuff. Lately i haven't been feeling like workin so i've been on SG all day every day now.
The way i approach the drawing is very loose. I rarely have an idea what i'm gonna do when i get to drawing. These are all pretty much freestyle. Kind do the same when i paint too.
The way i approach the drawing is very loose. I rarely have an idea what i'm gonna do when i get to drawing. These are all pretty much freestyle. Kind do the same when i paint too.
thats some funny shit man. You should show up to work w/some bacon and eggs and a "Don't shoot the chef" apron. Or maybe a t-shirt that says "I like to be cooked well-done please"

My eyes forced focus upon some hazily drifting giant
She so afraid to sway, for she was blinder than i.
An ocean in the sky, of milk and dreams,
A cloud hiding the life below her knees.
The heavens have fallen and placed my mind at ease.
Providing temperary relief from all of my ground floor sorrows.
She so afraid to sway, for she was blinder than i.
An ocean in the sky, of milk and dreams,
A cloud hiding the life below her knees.
The heavens have fallen and placed my mind at ease.
Providing temperary relief from all of my ground floor sorrows.
hey thanx for the props man! I noticed you got some good stuff going yerself! You've got great line work going on in your pics. Keep posting work when you get it done- I'd like to see more.

I saw you in the Noob thread. Welcome . I'm here in LA too and an artist as well. Have you ever been to a Cannibal Flower show? I swear I've seen you somewhere before.
Done and done.......