Well, I just spent the weekend thoroughly draining my bank account because my stupid job decided, once again, to not pay me on time.

As some of you may know, this past weekend was the first annual RAD Olympics, the main event of which was the mighty Case Race. Here's a recap of the rules: teams of two race to see who can finish a...
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I beat you by.. 7?!? hahaha god I'm such a better alcoholic than you.

Oh oh.. do you remember me telling you to hit on Kim so I wouldn't have to fuck her? And if you do.. do you remember if she overheard us? Apparently she was trying to leave at some point.. and I think thats what did it. At least I hope so.

[Edited on May 17, 2005 4:18PM]
You know that motherfuckin' Alan Jackson song?

It's been in my head and on my Pod for WEEKS.

oh way down yonder on the Chattahoochee
it gets hotter than hootchie-cootchie

Last night I saw A Flock Of Seagulls. And, since the show was in Alpharetta, I decided to hit on lonely looking thirty-something women because, lets face it, how hilarious is the idea of some punk kid (I scened myself up as much as possible for the show, wearing my tightest pants, most obscure band shirt, and my pin-covered army cap to the side. Ha!)...
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Hit your cock blockin' friends in the throat with a cactus for me.
Oh, and I hope to hell you fuckers make it out here this summer.
So, as it turns out, I am unable to resist the temptations of MJQ, despite my best intentions and a ten hour shift at work the next day. Yeesh. I just woke up and it's already not my day.

But, on the bright side, A Flock of Seagulls is playing at this ridiculous "rock club" called Paradise City in Alpharetta of all places. And, since...
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Hey, I'm totally going to be in ATL for about 20 minutes tomorrow. Let's parteeeeeeee! Other than that, I just wanted to say what's up. It's been awhile.

Summer time, and the livin's easy...
Wait.. Steve(n) or Steve-O?
Eh, I'm not so sure really. I've loved Batman since I was little. I like the idea of some normal (mortal) psychologically undefined philanthropist super hero avenging the death of his parents I guess? Who knows. I do know that I feel torn as far as Katie Holmes' character goes...I've never been a big fan of hers to begin with. I was confused about her role because its a different name than Ra's daughter I think. I guess I feel the same way as Christian Bale playing Batman and Ken Watanabe playing Ra's - I'll just have to wait and see and hope to be pleasantly surprised. No one beats Keaton as Bruce Wayne as far as I'm concerned but I really am fucking stoked about this movie.
Since I have nothing but contempt for each and every one of you that uses dialup, here's an image heavy post.

Friday night was my friends' birthdays and, since I've gone to every birthday party they've thrown since the ninth grade, I drove to Orlando for the seventh annual Megan and Becky Birthday Extraveganza and second annual Pimps 'N Hoes party.

The weekend started out...
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LL Cool D!
Maybe you could burn that couch that got pissed on too...
just a thought.

I have one last final next Monday. Which sucks. I'd rather get it all over and have the weekend to celebrate rather than balance studying with my work schedule. IT NEVER ENDS!

I have to admit, I love me some STD as well. My former boss totally made fun of me one day for singing one of their songs at work. She was a royal bitch though.
I fucking suck.

As soon as a girl tells me that she was reprimanded in the public library for drinking from a flask, I'm a lost cause. Again.

Man, there are some things about girls that always, always knock me on my ass. Although I've never run into that one yet, I think it would qualify. Good luck with it.
I've certainly had an eventful last few days.

Friday night I went to The Drunken Unicorn to see Fight Paris, The Heart Attacks, and Scatter The Ashes. It was a good show. Fight Paris's new stuff is pretty good. It was Champ's 21st birthday, so all throughout the set people kept handing him shots. By the end of the set he was struggling to play...
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Him and Sue could have had a pissing contest, literally.

There will be others. Thinking of throwing a party soon too, so I'll let you all know
Unfortunately no I don't have Weezer tickets. I've been begging for them since the day they went on sale (which was... a month and three days ago?) No one I know has tickets and no one in this city that has tickets has any extras. I want to go to that show so bad. I missed the last one because I was imprisoned at Valdosta State University that entire summer for some governor's honors program nonsense. A friend of mine found some tickets on ebay for a ridiculous sum of american dollars and I found some on could9tickets.com. The cheapest I saw were $90 but I have absolutely no extra money right now. I'm going to scrounge all my tips together this weekend and see what I can do. This show will be worth the effort and I love the tabernacle.
So I've really been kicking serious ass at work lately. This is good because it means that, hopefully, my next few paychecks will be quite large. This is also good because as long as I'm producing results my boss doesn't really give a fuck what I do. Like come in late every day. Oops.

Speaking of work, I got to see a grown man throw...
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I woke up on your couch.. cold, wet, and confused. "Why am I soaking wet?" I wondered.. "Whats that smell? Ahh man." First there was denial: no way I pissed myself.. no way. Ronnie or David decided to get me back and piss all over me in my drunken stupor. Then.. confusion: what happend last night.. could I have drank enough to piss myself on David's couch? Then.. acceptence and a slight since of smugness: Normally you would kick my ass for pissing on your things.. but this wasn't intential.. so I get away with it.. right?

So did anything cool happen last night? I really don't remember anything past getting to the bar. Oh.. I stole some clothes.. will return them at some point.

[Edited on Apr 24, 2005 4:48PM]
I'm trying to decided whether or not I should join this punk band a friend of mine is in. It would be fun and everything, but I have a feeling I'd get really tired of the growling fat dude vocals (a-la The Loose Skrews) and Misfits covers pretty quick and I'd try and get the band to rip off either The Stooges or Bad Religion....
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Negative, ghostrider. School will continue to kick my ass for this entire week, so I'm stuck here in sunny LA instead of sunny A(t)L.
New roommate. Less money needed for rent. Therefore, more money to be spent on beer and girls. Excellent.
I'm down with Genesis. Totally. Did you see the guy walking around school last week with the overall shorts and the tu-tu? He was twirling a baton. You couldn't miss him.
Oh oh I saw him across from Aderhold at Peachtree and Luckie St. I hope he'll be back this week, listen out for his whistle. I have to truck back and forth from Aderhold to GCB all day. Needless to say, by the time I make it to my classes I'm usually winded and 3-10 minutes late.
I don't know if any of you kids, with the exception of Flux, like or have even heard of Lightning Bolt. But, if either of those applies to you, this shit is hilarious.

Read the ridiculousless!

Then, listen to it!

Boston? Skronk? The Bolt knows not these things. My favorite part is the title of the links on their site: "Some pop band covers Dracula...
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Fuck the what?! What happened to Ice Cold?! It was iconic!

Oh, and the Adult Swim group? I'll post something in there soon. Something Epic that will put all other "fans" to shame.
what a bunch of tools.
they should fucking die.
god they suck balls.
Well, last night was an abortion of a fun evening. I had planned on going to Athens to see Q and Not U, but I didn't feel like driving an hour, watching a show, and driving home all by myself, so I didn't end up going.

My back up plan was to begin the night at The Five Spot. A girl I used to date...
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You should of called me. I just ended up passing out at 10:30 and not getting up till 5. It is always fun making girls cry.. and plus I probably would of gotten laid.. there is always one that finds my total disreguard for her feelings attractive.
Deckwreck does lots of drugs!!!