Okay, this one may get a bit deep. I apologize in advance (assuming anyone reads these!)
The past few years have been a bit rough. I struggled to finish my Master's degree, was stuck in a deadend job where I felt I got no respect from management, and was turned down in every attempt to get another job outside of town (over 110 put out,...
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So, I've come to the conclusion recently that I'm a pretty strong romantic. This realization may come as a shock to some; not because it seems out of line with my personality but because it took me this long to really come to terms with it. In fact, I will openly admit, that I've been a semi-lurking member of the Hopeless ROmantics group for some...
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So, I haven't updated this blog in well over a year; most of the friends I once had on this group seem to have drifted off in the time since, which is perfectly understandable. But, this was always the place I could go to explain how I feel about this. So, on the off chance anyone actualy sees this, I felt that I should update....
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I have an embarrassing story to relate. One which I'm not particularly proud of, but one which, now that I look back on it, provided a certain amount of humor value at the very least.
So, a few weeks ago I ran into a girl who I hadn't seen in a year. I should also state from the beginning that I had a huge crush...
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So you see, it's not just girls. I'm sure it usually is, because we can be kind of nasty sometimes with the mind games. But it happens... maybe they just get scared, or maybe they just don't know how to react to certain feelings inside themselves. And of course we are going to have some major reactions, here are these people we've been kind of in love with telling us they were feeling the same, and then they want to take the feelings back? it's tough.

Seeing as how its, once again, been a few months since i last updated this blog, i feel honor bound to do so now (how much things have changed since I lived in Alaska and was posting once or...
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did you ever get that orson welles haircut?
Its been a few months since I last updated this blog, and I'm afraid that this next entry is going to be rather short to boot. Its a late night, I've got to get up at a decent hour tomorrow (noon

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The last few months have left me scratching my head and asking a very single question; "What's Going On?" Because of that, before you read this long journal entry, why not enjoy one of the most appropriate songs ever written about my current state of mind!
So, you listened to it? Good! Now keep that chorus in mind as you read this blog; you may...
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Homo Jocko by Devo
A completely random video that has NOTHING to do with my bellow post, except that I've recently been getting into Devo and some 80s New Wave and underground music. Its all fun

Tonight is a Marquette night, the type I used to experience all too frequently back in my college days. Its after 1 o'clock and I'm terribly restless; a heavy...
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"I've got a FEVER, and the only cure is MORE COWBELL!"
Anyway ...
I thought it was about time for me to update this blog again, as a lot has happened in the past month; most of it surprisingly good at all! (God, how...
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FYI lol
also you are always on late and are in the nocturnal group
you should come into psw chat sometime*
it will feed your bad sleeping habit!
*sometime as in when i am actually in there, which sadly just passed by.

yes yes come into chat late nights it always a rather amusing time just make sure you go to the PSW room tab because main chat is down right icky