So my shortest ever journal entry gets me my most comments. Well fuck all y'all, I'll write as much as I want!
This morning, the lawnmower wouldn't start, so I set about trimming the lawn with a pair of garden shears. It was actually very serene and relaxing work in the sunshine, but it's gonna take forever: I got about one tenth of the way...
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This morning, the lawnmower wouldn't start, so I set about trimming the lawn with a pair of garden shears. It was actually very serene and relaxing work in the sunshine, but it's gonna take forever: I got about one tenth of the way...
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BBQ last night: three glasses of Chardonnay and two burnt sausages plus lengthy discussions of feral children and the nature of Englishness with Andy, a pointedly bisexual PhD in the sociology of architecture. Meanwhile, the beagle pup takes a liking to my lap and dribbles brown drool on my new pink shirt...

I love that..feral children. Next time I see awful children I'll think of you. 

I bet I'm not.
ask anyone who has called me cute, called my hair red, or bothered me in general. oh, wait, you can't....they are all dead.

Uneventful, but not unpleasant weekend reading applied complexity theory.
Last night, cocktails with Atsuko. I had something that may have been called a Siamese Dream, although I could be getting confused with the Smashing Pumpkins album.
It may have contained some, all, or fewer of these ingredients: lemongrass vodka, Cointreau, cranberry juice, fresh coriander leaves.
It was red and hot and I liked it.
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Last night, cocktails with Atsuko. I had something that may have been called a Siamese Dream, although I could be getting confused with the Smashing Pumpkins album.
It may have contained some, all, or fewer of these ingredients: lemongrass vodka, Cointreau, cranberry juice, fresh coriander leaves.
It was red and hot and I liked it.

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"God Heather, did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?"
Lazy weekends are fun...
Lazy weekends are fun...

oh shit We gotta motor if we're gonna make it to that funeral on time..
bed time...
bed time...
Mm'kay, so Van Helsing is all daft accents, expensive sets, absurd effects and loud bangs. The sheer number of references to other movies (the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, the gadgets from James Bond, the pods from Aliens, the Jawas from Star Wars, the mirrors from Orphee, the towers from LOTR) is sort of amusing, but, over two and a half hours, the whole thing grows rather...
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Wow, if there is a person who thinks poorly of Huxley's prose, than I would love to see their writing, because it would probably be either fantastic, or horrific. (I think that it would likely be the latter, and that it would be an extreme case of what Jung calls 'fault projection') ;-). I read Brave New World in two days. I suppose that it depends on preference though. His command of the English language is fantastic! Almost every writer I know is either a fan of his, or at least has a tremendous amount of respect for him...
I have not read all of his works. If I ever do come across something that changes my opinion of him, I will let you know. ;-)
I have not read all of his works. If I ever do come across something that changes my opinion of him, I will let you know. ;-)
Oh my. Yes, I would say significant.
That's funny that you mention that James Bond deck. Was it Jane Seymour in that movie? I think that was the first ever tarot deck I saw.
Tomorrow is the beginning of my week long removal of superfluous items. It's a week of vacation. Tomorrow I'm going through my bathroom. It's my first room to be descummed.
That's funny that you mention that James Bond deck. Was it Jane Seymour in that movie? I think that was the first ever tarot deck I saw.
Tomorrow is the beginning of my week long removal of superfluous items. It's a week of vacation. Tomorrow I'm going through my bathroom. It's my first room to be descummed.

I've had kind of weird, but nice, peaceful week sitting in the other university library in this town (i.e. not the one I usually use) trying to teach myself something about Indian cinema, which I have to teach next year...
I got quite into it and started fantasising about learning Indian languages (but which one(s)?), reading up on Hindu religious and philosophical texts and travelling...
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I got quite into it and started fantasising about learning Indian languages (but which one(s)?), reading up on Hindu religious and philosophical texts and travelling...
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I am a huge fan of Sanskrit and Tibetan. I unfortunately an currently unable to decipher the actual glyphs used by the natives that speak and write in the tongues, but learning the English versions of the words is a lot of fun! I was just thinking the other day about the fact that I seriously need a Tibetan and Sanskrit dictionary
I'm in Winnipeg actually, former home of the NHL hockey team the Winnipeg Jets until we lost the franchise.
I've not read the book about the Snow Geese. Perhaps I should seek it out?
I think the school should subsidize a factfinding trip to the Indian subcontinent for you.

I think the school should subsidize a factfinding trip to the Indian subcontinent for you.

'Writing down the logic of my solitude
As far as I'm concerned
I'd like to leave it random'
- Phoenix, 'If it's not with you'
Sunday night, cinema: Memories of Underdevelopment, a film from post-revolutionary Cuba narrated by a middle-aged womanizer who compares his calamitous affairs with 'underdeveloped' and unstable young girls to the tribulations of the underdeveloped and unstable socialist state. There's a...
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As far as I'm concerned
I'd like to leave it random'
- Phoenix, 'If it's not with you'
Sunday night, cinema: Memories of Underdevelopment, a film from post-revolutionary Cuba narrated by a middle-aged womanizer who compares his calamitous affairs with 'underdeveloped' and unstable young girls to the tribulations of the underdeveloped and unstable socialist state. There's a...
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You know, I love Val Kilmer, but he's fucked of more movies that I care to in point...The Island of Dr. Moreau (from whence I derive my alias). Not that it's hid fault or anything, but when you peak at The Doors where do you go from there? Or did he peak at Real Genius? You the expert.
I think you're great, keep the comments coming, and the arrangements are simple, we called the county clerk's office where we will be vacationing and we're all set. This is how cool my girl is, I asked her what should we wear? And she replied, "See that's why I didn't want to get married (we've been together for 14 years) I don't want to have to think about all that. I hope you don't want me to wear a dress, because I'm wearing slacks." Then this morning she said, "Well, it might be hot, so maybe a light summer dress." She's so cute.
I think you're great, keep the comments coming, and the arrangements are simple, we called the county clerk's office where we will be vacationing and we're all set. This is how cool my girl is, I asked her what should we wear? And she replied, "See that's why I didn't want to get married (we've been together for 14 years) I don't want to have to think about all that. I hope you don't want me to wear a dress, because I'm wearing slacks." Then this morning she said, "Well, it might be hot, so maybe a light summer dress." She's so cute.
black box of soul stealing= PS2
Porcelain death machine= tv, true isn't really made out of porcelain, but it does roll off the tongue nicely...
Messy film making will always have a place in my heart. Mostly to have something in there to compare against when good films wander in.
Sounds like the music scene out there is quite intense. Round here, the best I can hope for is sitting in on a friends band while they rehearse, until they play live that is.
Pray tell what holds your fancy in the last great Wilderness? I myself have spent some time up there, and intend to again soon.
Porcelain death machine= tv, true isn't really made out of porcelain, but it does roll off the tongue nicely...
Messy film making will always have a place in my heart. Mostly to have something in there to compare against when good films wander in.
Sounds like the music scene out there is quite intense. Round here, the best I can hope for is sitting in on a friends band while they rehearse, until they play live that is.
Pray tell what holds your fancy in the last great Wilderness? I myself have spent some time up there, and intend to again soon.
'Words of love in broken English
Have a lonesome tone'
- Phoenix, '(You can't blame it on) anybody'
The Ball on Friday night turned out to be rather painful, but then I guess what did I really expect? The venue was inpropitious (is this a word?) to social interaction, the meal disappointing, and the backless beauties all ten years my junior. I did a little...
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Have a lonesome tone'
- Phoenix, '(You can't blame it on) anybody'
The Ball on Friday night turned out to be rather painful, but then I guess what did I really expect? The venue was inpropitious (is this a word?) to social interaction, the meal disappointing, and the backless beauties all ten years my junior. I did a little...
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I couldn't agree with you more, but I don't know why. That is to say, I felt there was something off about how everyone seemed to love this movie. Not that they did, but how they did.
The story, or idea, has been told a thousand times before. So, a few more people get it this time. Nothing new under the sun? I don't know.
Have you seen Memento? What did you think? I loved it. This is the story that got this idea through to me. I have a history with the theatre so the whole non-linear thing is understood to me. I very much like abstractions in all their forms (or non-forms as the case may be.) What can you tell me about the non-linear story line and abstractions, o' wise one?
The story, or idea, has been told a thousand times before. So, a few more people get it this time. Nothing new under the sun? I don't know.
Have you seen Memento? What did you think? I loved it. This is the story that got this idea through to me. I have a history with the theatre so the whole non-linear thing is understood to me. I very much like abstractions in all their forms (or non-forms as the case may be.) What can you tell me about the non-linear story line and abstractions, o' wise one?

I confess to guiltily liking some moments in Vanilla Skies, mainly because they had a visceral connection to some moments with my ex K of the 8 year open relationship. I would like to see the source film.
I haven't seen Eternal Sunshine yet. Hmmm.
All of my straight acquaintances have already hunkered down or are going through divorces.
I haven't seen Eternal Sunshine yet. Hmmm.
All of my straight acquaintances have already hunkered down or are going through divorces.

Last night went to see Jane Campion's An Angel at my Table at this teeny-tiny independent cinema we have here. Good movie. Very old print with a ton of hiss on the soundtrack and the third reel mistakenly wound on the wrong way round so we had to wait fifteen minutes while they re-wound it. This, of course, is the way the movies should be:...
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Mount Tamalpais. It was lovely

I enjoyed very much. Thank you.
I was a nasty little fucker too.
I'm glad I could help you remember that album.

I was a nasty little fucker too.
I'm glad I could help you remember that album.
So, Papa M last night...
HD and I turn up early and sit in the bar on a couch by some girl who's sleeping soundly through everything. She's attractive and well dressed but has heavy bags under her eyes like she's been up speeding for a few too many nights in a row. So we sit there speculating as to who she might be and...
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HD and I turn up early and sit in the bar on a couch by some girl who's sleeping soundly through everything. She's attractive and well dressed but has heavy bags under her eyes like she's been up speeding for a few too many nights in a row. So we sit there speculating as to who she might be and...
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If Sagittarius is the second greatest sign of the zodiac, which is the first? I once saw a bra strap bracelet in a small boutique somewhere. I didn't buy of my few regrets.

I love Thelma and Louise too. Such a beautiful happy unhappy ending.
I have not seen KB2 yet. It is on my agenda for the weekend. mmm ms. hannah.
My secret to having the balls to go to a bar alone? I dance. I adore dancing. And when I've got enough light in me from dancing, I will get a drink and survey the crowds. If I see someone interesting. I will make eye contact and then approach them with a comment, usually something silly or surreal.

I have not seen KB2 yet. It is on my agenda for the weekend. mmm ms. hannah.
My secret to having the balls to go to a bar alone? I dance. I adore dancing. And when I've got enough light in me from dancing, I will get a drink and survey the crowds. If I see someone interesting. I will make eye contact and then approach them with a comment, usually something silly or surreal.
Hoiday weekend not great - feeling shitty and unable to enjoy myself with any gusto. Drank small amounts of Riesling and Guinness (not together) and played some very bad pool.
Slept most of yesterday and watched Tim Burton's unimpressive Sleepy Hollow on the TV.
On the train read much of James Frey's Million Little Pieces, which is impressive. Let me see if I can find...
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Slept most of yesterday and watched Tim Burton's unimpressive Sleepy Hollow on the TV.
On the train read much of James Frey's Million Little Pieces, which is impressive. Let me see if I can find...
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I like the rhythm of that prose, so much so I've put it on my list of books to read. Thank you.
I still have to see Eternal Sunshine. It's starting to look like rental material.
That's a pretty special song lyric.
I still have to see Eternal Sunshine. It's starting to look like rental material.
That's a pretty special song lyric.

Gotta make it quick tonight as I'm due for coffee somewhere and feeling kinda sick, possibly after the infernal heat of the comedy club last night (was going to launch into pretentious musings about how comedy always seems rather obscene and desperate, was even going to bring up Adorno and Horkheimer, but no time...)
Instead, another list:
today was pay day and I bought:
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Instead, another list:
today was pay day and I bought:
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mmm instruments. I spent a summer sleeping with a boy who was a piercist who had a large black bag of medical instruments. all that titanium.

Last night salad, cheesecake and two glasses of mediocre Italian wine with Atsuko who tells me about how she used to be an interpreter for Japanese package tours in Egypt, Israel, Italy, etc. Girl's got poise.
For my part I tell her how I like hospitals and daydream an alternate life where I'm a nurse. She says she can see it.
Tonight 'Comedy Club'...
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For my part I tell her how I like hospitals and daydream an alternate life where I'm a nurse. She says she can see it.
Tonight 'Comedy Club'...
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I cannot abide cheesecake. I think it's related to the only job I ever got fired from: baker at this swishy cafe. I had dreadlocks at the time and it was pretty much the only place which would hire me. Dogs and cats would follow me home, seeking the cherries, chocolate and dried creamcheese because I trailed that scent.
I am Pisces. The final sign. The big drunks and sluts of the zodiac
I'm also a rooster. *struts around*
Yes they do sneak, don't they?
I never question happiness. I simply enjoy it.
Why a nurse? Personally I'm not very good with sick people, but I have a small medical instruments fetish.
I am Pisces. The final sign. The big drunks and sluts of the zodiac

Yes they do sneak, don't they?

Why a nurse? Personally I'm not very good with sick people, but I have a small medical instruments fetish.

I love the image of you calmly crawling or maybe bending and snipping (although crawling is better