I'm getting there. Baby steps of the teeny tiniest proportions is how.
Each and every person who left me kind words on my last entry gave me food for thought. Thank you all so much for being there and for humoring my little pity party. I needed an outlet and to know I'm not the only one who deals with this quarter life crisis bs.... Read More
So I'm home and just returned from dropping off Bill_the_Cat at Philly International. What a crazy three weeks this has been - we've been all over the damn place, met some more amazing SG folk, driven hundreds and hundreds of miles, and paid visits to a good deal of his family.
Evidence in picture form I only have up to the halfway point of our... Read More
Awesome. I just spent an hour updating and posting trip pics thus far, and our lovely hotel internet connection decided me hitting the post button meant I needed to put the access code back in. So much for that.
Between that and the fact that I'm daft when it comes to using Mr. Mayun's Macbook, I give up. Expect a tonnes of pics three week... Read More
How was Gala? I was going to go, but over the past month and a half things have been crazy busy. For the past two I've had a class on Sundays. Then an internship on Monday nites that wiped me out for the week. Plus the girl, of course. Can't forget about that.
I had an open mic tonight, a real show tomorrow and improv on Sun. My free time is gone. And I love every second of it!
I've been blissfully busy lounging about with my honey since Saturday night. Yup, I've got it bad.
Update will come shortly.......maybe.
Just know I'm a happy, happy, happy lady.
Today, we're starting the first leg of our road trip. We're heading up to MA to visit thefreak for some din-din, gaming, and shennanigans. And tomorrow we're off to Ontario to see his father.
My cheesy internal soundtrack is playing this on repeat (yes, again) -
I am running around like a maniac, cleaning up my place, prettifying myself, and willing the clock to move faster. In a little more than 7 hours, I'll be on my way to Philadelphia International to pick up my baby. SO EXCITED!!!
Do you know if you'll be attending the SG philly night at the Raven Lounge on June 13? I'm too much of a nervous bitch to figure out how to drive there at night..I'll definitely pay you some gas money/toll or if you and whoever else goes wants to ride w/me...thats if you're even going hehe..hope you're doing ok!!
I just spent the majority of my weekend battling trojans & worms that found their way into my computer. It took me a good deal of effort, but it seems all is well, now, and I can get back to internet life as usual. Phew!
So, the hurty mouth is healing quite nicely, still some minor jaw bruising, but overall a world of difference... Read More
I now have a swollen, hurty cheek and a partially broken jaw.
Yesterday, I went to a local charity care establishment to get the offensive tooth extracted. Good news is it's out and only cost me $2 plus script fees, bad news is it was definitely a $2 experience.
After 3 hours of waiting in a blank walled,... Read More
Oh, that's right. Because I'm a huge nerd and have a penchant for showtunes and Rogers & Hammerstein.
But seriously though, Hugh Jackman is no Gordon McRae.
I am quite the happy lady. Every day that brings May 24th closer I get a little bit happier... Read More
Where ya been???