You weigh almost nothing! How does it feel to move around in it? Is it still really sore? I'd tell you to clean your room, but you kind of.. can't..
All my muscle is gone, and the brace sucks even more now cause I'm moving around more, so it irritates me more... And if it was my room I'd clean itsmile but it's not my room
I can't wait till I can be active again... All this boredom is killing me.. over thinking all my problems, making myself depressed and slipping back into my hateful ways... I need to get outside and risk my life doing some extreme shit before I kill someone... Or myself... Either way my brains are not in a good place... Fuck it, time to hit the...
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I wish all my friends in Arizona weren't heroin addicts... I just wanna chill with someone I used to know, but everyone I know here are fuckin junkies... Shits fucking lame! I can't wait to go home
I just want to go back to Colorado and continue my life.... I fucking hate being stuck in Arizona. I left this state for a reason and never should have Come back!!
I wish I had the money and mobility to go out for a night of heavy drinking!!!!
Wana get fucked up huh?! smile
Payday 2is a fucking sweet game!! I'd recommend it to anyone that owns a computer... Other than that, life is the same as it was yesterday.... Shitty like a truck stop bathroom (not literally) but you get what I'm saying... I just wish I could go ride my fucking bike or climb a rock or do a handstand or even work!!!! Ahhhhhh I'm going fucking...
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Holy fuck I can't wait till I can get rid of this fucking back brace!! Only 3 more weeks and I can burn that fucking thing!!!! Oh and in other news, I haven't taken any of my prescription painkillers (poison) in 3 full days!!! My back hurts like a bitch, but I'll take the pain over the drugs any day!!
Thank u for the support u are have a great day Xoxo
Been back in flagstaff less than 7 hours and already remember Why I left this place.... These next 3 weeks will be fun.... Sarcasm
Denied Medicaid and all the other financial assistance shit, looks like my $300k+ hospital bills are on me, and I'm not able to work for 3 more months.... Yupp I'm fucked
Keep your head up hun