I fucking hate getting messages from hopefuls and Sg that are like "hey here's a link to my new set, please give me love!! Xoxo whatever.. " if it's in Mr I'm gonna check it out, but the fact that you went out of your way to waste my time with that message loses you respect in my book... It makes me think you're just...
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Yeah that fucking sucks. I love this site because everyone is so friendly. So when someone just wants something from you and then disappears it like that person that just wants to get smoked out and does nothing for you in return and cant be founded.
Just woke up in sooooooooooooooooo much fucking pain and it's gonna next about 45 minutes before I feel any relief, I'm laying here crying and shaking uncontrollably, barely able to breath and the best part of it all is that on home alone.... No relief, no one to talk to to get my mind off the pain... This fucking sucks!! I wish I could curl...
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Laying here, hopped up on like 7 different painkillers and such, and all I can think is I wanna have a dirt filthy conversation with a beautiful girl... Now thinking back, it's been like almost 3 fucking years since I've had a conversation like that, or participated in phone sex or "sexting " ..... And I can't help but realize, that I fucking suck now!!...
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The last 5 days I've been in the worst fucking pain in my life, and it's due to continue for the next 6+ months.... I'm finally outta the hospital, which me as n's instead of getting the two visitors I had, I'll be seeing not a soul but myself until I'm fully healed and back in work... I'll go ahead and assume that you didn't...
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That's horrible! Omg! I really hope you find relief soon. I couldn't even imagine.

Sending positivity your way!

Thank you for your positive wishes
This fucking sucks y I'd rather rip off my left testicle than have to deal with this fucking bullshit ass fucking pain!!!! My back fucking killing me!! Fuck it..... I wish my beautiful girlfriend could Come take care of me!!!! Oh well life ain't the easiest thing to deal With
I broke my back at around 6pm yesterday..... I'm currently laying in a hospital bed hoping I don't need surgery... And hoping I can somehow get out of the debt this is gonna put me into....
Fuck man that's intense, hope you pull through ok. Take it easy man.
Today I did my first no hander on my bike, on a Big ass fucking jump.... I don't know if you care, but I'm stoked!
Hells yeah
The small social life I had is now gone.....work every night between 12 and 2 am until September... My day time hours will be spent sleeping and riding my bike.... If you'd like to find me I'll either be at work, in bed, or at the bike park.... But for now it's time for getting super high and sleeping...
try not to get toooo burnt out!
Just purchased my first non medical bag of marijuana in like 2 years. Can't fucking wait to renew my medical marijuana license...
Sitting here, drinking beer, thinking clear.... Life isn't bad, but it could be better... Whatever I love what I do, love Where I live and love the people around me! Life is good!
You post great blogs.
not a bad way to be & a better perspective.

you've no idea how happy this made me, especially because I've been working on her since she could speak. Imagine my disappointment, that her first concert,
was One Direction puke
It seems that if you're constantly complaining about life,life gets better!! But not really, that negative attitude you have on a daily basis does Nothing but hold you back.... So become optimistic towards life and life will improve... Or stay negative, either way it's your fucking life, do what you want