We're fucked, the nuclear reactors that got fucked up by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan are about ready to exploded, releasing 85x more cesium 137 into the atmosphere creating a mass extinction of human and animals alike....... Don't believe me? Check that shit out! So if anyone wants to fuck within the last couple months of our existence, let me know, I'm a decent... Read More
Why Oh why are you still in my mind!?!? You basically showed me I had a heart, then proceeded to rip other out and stomp the fuck out of it.... But I still love you, and probably always will Lynsi... You were my first love, and based on the feelings I have from losing you. You're probably going to be my last... Ms.Lucas I still... Read More
Drama drama drama!! Who would have known you could've started so much drama from 3 states away??? one day I'll have a nice girl that isn't so dramatic!!
Who would've thought that working at a candy shop could be a job you'd hate!? But I'm gonna continue to work there for 1reason... There is a gorgeous girl named Amber that I work with, and I'd like somewhat of a relationship with her