Finally able to work again!!!!
Sugar is sugar, salt is salt. If you didn't get off today it's not our fault!
I've known since I was just a little boy, that I'd grow up to be a bad man.. . But I'll never disrespect a woman.
Just woke up... When I said I planned on sleeping till late afternoon, I guess I really meant it!!
It's snowing
I feel broken
It snowed last night!!!! what is this season you call fall?? Winter is upon us my friends!

Well I say fuck it
Went from $220,047 in debt to $600 in debt over night!! Proof that if you write enough letters to a CEO, they'll eventually care.. just gotta be the squeaky wheel. Cause the squeaky wheel is the one they notice first!!
Did you know that the CIA created dinosaurs to discourage time travel?? Learned that last night...the walls in bathrooms wouldn't lie