This post is the same as last week.. Sunny, hot. Perfect day for playing disc golf. Shot well, took out a couple of friends that never tried it before. They had a good time. Seriously need to start bringing the water out with us now.. It's getting to be like an oven away from the ocean; where the trees block the breeze.
Sunny, hot, nice breeze. Perfect day for some disc golf and putting off yard work!
I'm in an anti-social mood today. Having people over all the time is wearing down on me. I rarely get to relax and enjoy my own things. So, I am ignoring my phone, anyone knocks on the door they're going get sore knuckles. I aint doing a damn thing until I head out to play Disc golf later. Rawr!!
My analogy of the state of this country.

We are nothing more than monkeys that have been giving shiny objects to distract us from the real problems as well as how to take care of ourselves. If you think about it. It's true. Go watch them at the zoo. They're in their own little world until you bother them. Then they sling their poo. Not...
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The weather has been awesome the past couple of days. Well, a little windy yesterday while I was out playing disc golf. We still managed to shoot 2 under. So, it's all good.
I really need to get motivated and get my backyard all cleaned up. It's just too hard though. Getting up at 4am, then working all morning. when I come home, I just...
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If I didn't have an ulcer before. I do now. Talk about fucked up luck. I swear I never get to write about good things that happen in my life. It's just one bad thing after another.

Work computer died, still waiting on a new one to be sent out. Kind of helps me get paid you know.

Go in this morning to find my...
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Rainy days rock. It's like a K.O. from nature. Making me soooo sleepy that I can't get anything done. Not that I wanted to heh. I just enjoy watching the rain come down into my koi pond. It even makes living in the ghetto peaceful.
Rainy days rock. It's like a K.O. from nature. Making me soooo sleepy that I can't get anything done. Not that I wanted to heh. I just enjoy watching the rain come down into my koi pond. It even makes living in the ghetto peaceful.
I'm too old for all these damn changes again. Stupid computer geeks.
Me too. I can't find anything I want to find
Talk about a whole lot of suck. In my family when you do something nice. You generally get punished for it by bad luck. I haven't really figured this out yet. But, for some reason. Anytime I have a project I want to do that makes things either nicer for myself. Or helps out friends. Shit hits the fan.. Or in this case. The roof...
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