Yesterday I wrote a blog complete with photos with pictures and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was but it will not post. I tried. Few times yesterday and a few more times today with no luck. So I deleted it and will try again tonight when I get off. If I come home to see that...
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Ok dude just had the same exact problem & may have a cure to your dilemma. 1. Erase your cookies & history. 2. Don't just restart but completely turn off your computer or device give a good five minutes off. 3. Turn it back on. I couldn't post pictures either, did that & it worked. Hope it works for you too :)

Had today off. They wanted me to come in for a meeting but luckily I had to pick up ms sun sick from school so I was unavailable. She was pretty pale but a day of rest seems to have helped.

I didn't get shit done really. I did some laundry and dishes. I made some corned beef because it was on crazy sale after...
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That food looks great man! Whoa! One appendix removed & one brother possibly losing his gig...ouch! Man. Kinda harsh dude. Hope everything works out for your bro. Can't wait to hear about your renovations n stuff :) Yeah egos blow for sure. For the record, I had that heart attack song stuck in my head for like two days, kinda harsh ;)

well today I cooked for Taj Mahal trio and evidently eleven other people. I was too busy to get to drop it off myself. The chick that took it over was the one that thought it was an India Indian party. As she was leaving he hopped on the elevator with her and complimented her on her lipstick (that she wasn't wearing) and the way...
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Awesomeness on the whole Taj Mahal gig, thanks for sharing dude. Hope your new shoes workout. Yeah you whole cd situation is funny & take comfort in the fact your not alone good sir :-)
Got some good news for the treads :) https://suicidegirls.com/groups/everything-sg/thread/549958/

happy valentines day all my lovely friends of SG. I came home to so many pictures and I appreciate them all.

Happy valentines day to you too bro!

today we moved into the new house. The girls are psyched, the dog is tweaked and the wife and I are exhausted. You always find out who your good friends are on moving day, I have three great friends. I got to use the catering trailer from work and it was perfect for the job. We fit all of my furniture in it in one
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Awesome fireplace bro! Do show us pictures of the place when the place is spruced up :D
Ugh...moving. But cozying up by the fireplace sounds like the perfect way to destress.  Kick back and relax, mister.  Hope settling in goes smoothly. :)

another cold and dreary Sunday. Fucking bears. I did make pretty bombsy chicken korma for dinner. Our puri didn't poof right but the girls dug it. We spent the last hour doing madlibs. The girls had a great time though they were a bit bluer than my parents would have allowed. The last one had the line " my opponent, mr. Dad is nothing but...
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holy hell it was a crazy ass day in the mid west. Tornado in November? Really? My town had trees down and some street flooding and a lot of people are without power, my mom for one. We are cool. A little town close to us had hundreds of homes destroyed and the town I was born in had fifty some destroyed.

Oddly enough work...
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Glad you got through it okay. Most of the Indiana damage was just East of me, out in Kokomo. Hope you enjoyed your half day (and it actually was a half day)

Well I got a day off and I'm home with a sick kid. The weekend was crazy. Everything went well which just means now they know we can pull off the ridiculous so they can do it again.

Last night I made Hungarian sausage stuffed pork chops. There is a local Hungarian club that makes and sell sausage once a year and I got a...
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Thanks so much for your love and support on my new set! Xo

pumpkin carving day. The girls design and I carved.

Ms suns mask is much creepier on me ha ha

Well they are all sideways but you get the point.

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So, I am totally wiped out and so is the wife but the wedding was a total success. The forecast he'd called for rain but it held off til almost midnight at which point the party made its way to the barn. They had a great day. The hog was a great success. It was delicious and ended up cooking in about eleven hours which...
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It's my fault about the Bears, dude.
Today was the first day I couldn't watch the game and had to be at work.
That's what I told my hubby about the loss. haha
4-0 would have been sweet though. Grrr!

Oh...and...THE HOG!!!! love
Aye, it seems one can't spend more than two weeks in Wisconsin without being affected/infected with Packer fever. I grew up as a Saints' fan. Most Kentuckians, according at least to CBS, are only interested in the Bengals or the Colts, as those are the only "home market" games they'll show us mad
Thank heavens for Direct TV & Sunday Ticket smile
Well it's four in the morning and the hog is smokin. He weighed in at 150# headless and dressed. That is 30#s more than I wanted but they split it so it should cook faster that way I hope. So anyway here I am out in the sticks by myself in the dark waiting for it to be regular people awake time so I can...
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Thanks for your support smile
Thanks for the solidarity. Sometimes I just want to know that I'm not the only one that seems to feel that way.
Just got back from doing a chefs auction fund raiser for march of dimes. It was kind of fun and I got a plaque and had my name mispronounced per usual. We had our table set up all fallarific and I made savory strudels with ham, leeks, sweet potato and apples and enough cheddar jack to hold it together. It was pretty good and the...
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here it is, not even 8:30 a.m.
and I'm now starving.
