- on lucerne's post on changeling_'s page
- on marlene's post on changeling_'s page
- on okami's photo
- on Show off your IBT's 2014 in itty bitty titty committee
- on Jessibels Fan Art <3 in fan art
- on Some SG artwork by Zhim in fan art

Just wanted to share this amazing portrait @zhim painted of me from my "Never Sleep" set!
How incredible is that?! Those colours, gah, so good.
If, like me, you wanna keep an eye on this guy's work, he's posting it in the Fan art group on this thread.
I'm so buzzed about this painting, man. :D

I know it's been forever. I've still been lurking, checking out sets but life's been so crazy I've just not been able to contribute any more. I still don't really have time to right now, but I'm really missing the community right now tbh.
I could go on about what's happened since I was last active - Turning 21 and the subsequent family party (and...
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As it is national butt day I feel it is my solemn duty to inform you all that you should go give love to the beautiful @musket's set, Cabinet of Curiosities.
Reason being, she has one of the most magnificent behinds I have ever laid eyes on.
Don't believe me...?
Also as an added bonus: brilliant taste in tattoos.
So head on over there and
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Oh my god, guys... "Paint the roses red" is doing far better than I ever imagined!
1219<3... I'm so grateful for every comment and heart you guys give, and I confess that I haven't been half has good to you as you have to me... These blogs have been neglected for far too long! I'd say the usual "life's been crazy" excuse - but then
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I've been away for the weekend and I've just come on here to find hundreds of notifications on here - nearly 600 likes on the new set and climbing! And such lovely messages and comments, oh I love you guys. <3 !
You deserve a much better blog but it's nearly midnight and I've just got home from work; I just wanted to tell you...
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Paint The Roses Red
Hopeful Set
by alma

It's been 3 months since my last confession...
I know, I know, way too long. Life has just been kicking my ass at the moment. Between two jobs I'm working 50-60 hour weeks, then coming home and doing more, weekly work for the second job. Buuuut enough excuses - I'll leave more explanation for a later blog, I have something much more exciting to announce!...
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It's about time I did my homework, right? As usual I'm last to the bandwagon. Welp, here goes..
1. I have a thing for novelty mugs. Only cool ones though. I own about 8 so far including a few different starbucks ones, one with a pot octopus stuck to the bottom and one with a picture of Hattie Watson's glittery ass on.
2. I can...
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I've been neglecting this place and I'm sorry. Same old excuses, busy busy! Seems things might be looking up soon though, fingers crossed and more info on that soon, hopefully!
So this isn't strictly nudes but still good enough, right? @Lass makes the most amazing bralettes and I really want more of these.
I finished this painting of the lovely @sedona, the neon and her
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Crazy busy at the moment (always). Sorry if I'm hard to get in touch with. Job #1, job#2, work for job #2 and I'm desperately scraping for time for my own work... Work work work. That said, I'm in a good place. Positive vibes and all that. Plus it's getting warmer, so I'm enjoying getting back to sleeping like this as default:
No pyjamas are
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It goes:
Post new painting...
Then post nudity as a "thanks for looking":
What do you guys think? ;)
Side note, I'm doing a little give away on my instagram - you could win this painting, along with a little pencil drawing of one of your selfies or whatever you like :
Just follow me on there and the details are all there. :)
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Making an effort to blog more, even if it means they're a lot emptier.
Finished up an oil painting of the ever-perfect @radeo recently! I'm actually pretty happy with this one.
Although it's photographed painfully bad. This looks so much better in real life - the plywood gives it gorgeous texture, the colours are much more rich and the bits of gold paint shine when
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