Two Kansas City police officers repeatedly ignored a pregnant woman's claims that she was bleeding and needed medical help, a police videotape released Tuesday shows.
Sofia Salva told officers nine times during the first five minutes of the stop that she was bleeding or wanted to go to a hospital. After the ninth request, a female officer asked: "How is that...
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I just can't believe there are people out there who want to hurt their dogs. I can't begin to fathom why someone would want their dog to hurt another dog, let alone for sport.
I bawled through the whole video both times I watched it. I cried in sorrow for the dogs who had the misfortune of ending up in the "care" of such heartless...
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shit !! ... that video had me cringing and foaming at the mouth with anger ... wish i knew the ' dudes' who do this shit ... would be happy to shoot them all the balls first so it hurts ..I love animals as well .. take care .. len xx
My favorite episode of ATHF:
As for personal news, my boobs are too big. They aren't too big for my body; they suit my body quite well.
At Frederick's of Hollywood I decided it'd be best to get my breasts measured for the best possible fit. After standing around for about 10 minutes by the fitting rooms, some ditz with a name tag and...
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But if you're really hurting for bras, come out my way. My dad owns a dealership.
(He will be missed...)
(Mirko "Cro-Cop" is coming to the UFC...RIP Eddie Sanchez.)
Fap fap fap
(From If These Walls Could Talk 2...Chloe Sevigny and Michelle Williams.)
I've been craving a woman's touch like crazy lately...Being bisexual in a straight, monogamous relationship can take its toll.
The "Embarrassing" video is hilarious and disgusting all at the same time. I remember just last month my friends and I went out and one of them was talking about that video. Except...We were in a store...At the register...So the cashier was like WTF???
I looooooooooooooove Demetri Martin. Guy cracks me up like no other lol...Great choice
So, I suppose you'll be watching the Saints game since you love them ever so much
VALLEJO, California (AP) -- A cell phone apparently ignited in a man's pocket and started a fire that burned his hotel room and caused severe burns over half his body, fire department officials said.
Luis Picaso, 59, was in stable condition Monday with second- and third-degree burns to his upper body, back, right arm and right leg, Vallejo Fire Department assistant chief...
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What was even more chilling to me is how "normal" it kinda made Hitler seem. It's easy to hate the guy behind the podium shouting and waving his arms. But it's wierd to see him on vacation. It makes you realize just how many "normal" people could become just like him if under certain circumstances.
hey !1 i feel waaaay better.....i had a dream about you and other girls last night he he he
see? you re even im my subconsience
have a nice week!!!
I cannot make sense of any of it. My mind darts from the sex I had just two hours ago, from a dream I had the night before, to my dog twitching in her sleep beside me, to an interview...
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thinking about everything i have to accomplish, hah.
fucking women....
One who could be considered the most beautiful, appealing, and/or sexy will still stand in front of the mirror for countless minutes inspecting the curves of her body...
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And again, I enjoyed the new set.
The mouth is such a better place