Married, happy, and I have the source to my back pain removed yesterday! Things are looking up!

Also, thanks to whoever reactivated me, that was sweet of you. Missed all my lovelies!

So I know that stress doesn't help my back at all. Wow, if I ever had a hard couple of months it would be these. I am welcoming the new insuance I get soon. Just to be able to talk to a doctor about this would be a huge step. I just want someone to realize my pain is real. I also welcome any and...
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I go in for my first fitting today. I am so excited. I can't even tell you how much I adore my dress! I love that it is a little vintage. Oh I cannot wait for the day! Everything is falling into place very nicely. Oh its getting really real!!! Wish me luck. biggrin
Thank you for the comment on my new set miss! Are you getting married?!

Congratulations to you!!!
Two months from today, and I am going to me a Mrs. WOW!!!

Oh I am really feeling it now. I am so excited and I can't hardly wait!!!
I'm so excited for you!!!! I've been doin well doll and I miss you too!!!!!!
I started working out again. I decided it was time. I feel like I have kind of slowed my weight loss with just eating slower, but that is ok, I want this to be a life changing journey one step at a time. Adding them in one at a time is usually better for me in helping new things stick.

I feel good about myself...
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one step at a time is the best way to do it. if you do too much at once, your body freaks out and that's generally where people fail. you are being smart. and i think you are lovely!
I haven't been around a lot lately, but I'm back. I hope to be more active and fall in love with this site again. Been kind of hard lately, but for personal reasons.

I do miss all my darlings, I hope to get back to where I was before. Love to all of you. That never stopped. Sorry I was so distant and I have...
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Invitations are sent, and I'm getting back my RSVPs so all is well. We decided to not invite those we weren't close with. It's our day, we need to share it with loved ones. It's getting so close. I'm starting to get a bit nervous. Just a few more big things left on the list to take care of at this point.

Not a lot...
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Why is it that when you are having a wedding people that you haven't spoken to in a long time just automatically assume they are invited to it? I have people I haven't spoken to since high school say they are coming. Well thank you, but maybe wait until you get an invitation? Now I have to either suck it up and deal with the...
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Thanks so much for the awesome comment on my Ain't No Sunshine set! smile I really appreciate you taking the time to comment!

I am down some more! Feeling great, I feel like for the first time I am not terrified about IF I am going to get into the dress, its totally doable now! *happy dance* I am so excited, but I think I am going to still have it altered a bit in the back, make it more original.

I just don't even know if I...
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AWE I love you lady, ur comments are always the best and make smile like SO huge!!

And it's so great to hear that the diet, dress thing is going well. My neighbor is getting married and she had her last fitting and didn't fit into the dress...Eeek!
I love the way you wrote you feel empowered by the control you have over the appearance of your body. I can only imagine that feeling, and it must be quite awesome! Yay for you, you deserve it. smile
I bought a size 18 jeans today! Ladies and Gents, do you know how long it has been since I have been this small? OMG it was a feeling I can't describe. I am so excited. I'm only getting smaller! Yay! biggrin
FABULOUS!!!! I'm truly happy for you. (From someone who COMPLETELY understands.) Keep up the good work. biggrin
congrats doll! that is always exciting.
I have the best man in the world. We are paying for our wedding ourself so we are pinching pennies. I'm even looking for a job to help out (surprise huh!) He still finds a little cash to get me things that I have been drooling over for a while. I know that its not the gifts that make him important and wonderful, but how...
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thank you for the support for American Psycho!
I appreciate it a lot
thanks sweetie! it's been hard but honestly I think it's for the best. we had some serious problems that I dont think either of us could've changed. I think the relationship had gone past the point of repair.

since we split I feel more free. I guess I just try not to think about it too much. I try to just let it go and move on.