Well guys, I know this is super short notice. After over a year of not posting anything I'm here to say goodbye. I would love to stay on this site and see what people are up to and continue browsing the awesome sets. But I'm really low on money now and just can't afford to renew. I'm sure someday later down the road I will...
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Good luck on that road, may it be short and profitable and we'll see you soon.

Finally posting some art on here. I decided to directly post about this one becuase it is of Venla. After looking at her photosset that day, I was inspired to further making her as a faery. This is my first egg tempera painting. I really enjoyed this technique since it requires small brushes and fine detail, though it takes a really long time to...
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happy birthday!!!

Happy birthday talented one!

drawing, paintings, and other art by me
Yes, I know I'm a horrible person for not keeping up with this. I'm sorry. Even with school finally out, I'm working full time right now, and I don't have full internet access since I'm rarely home. I'll try to check up on everyone's journal later this week.
Just need to take my final two classes in the summer and then I can graduate in...
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Just need to take my final two classes in the summer and then I can graduate in...
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Congrats on the new house and I wish you well in your last two classes at UGA.
Rock on man. Glad to hear you're doing well. Enjoy!
Thanks again to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. That meant a lot ot me. My actually birthday partially sucked. But the party I had with Andrea that Saturday (our joint b-day party since her's was May 3) was really awesome. A lot of people came. It was hard to keep up with everone, but a lot of people had fun, despite those who...
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Semester's almost over with. One more week of classes and then finals week. Wish me luck and hopefully I won't end up going mad.
good luck with finals. happy belated b'day.

You're welcome. 

Yep, still busy like a mo-fo. *cries* I'm finding myself to be exhausted more and more each day. I'm constanly doing stuff all day, pretty much non-stop. Get up when the sun starts to rise, go off to class or to teh gym (followed by class), and then on some days go to my job. Then when I come home, I begin working on art...
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What is this new trend of spelling "the" like "teh"? And the "!!!!1" thing? Are typos the new black?
Ohhh...well then...maybe I'm just the only anal grammar person left online...
Just so that most of you guys know, I will be dropping off the face of the earth from time to time because A) The new semester started and B) I have World of Warcraft and am already addicted to that game.
So drop me a line if you need me or want me to check out your shit or something.
So drop me a line if you need me or want me to check out your shit or something.
i don't really get to play that much, but when i do i am a level 8 druid, night elf, Landrinoss...look me up next tiem
i'm on Shadowmoon for now...Stormrage = bad
i'm on Shadowmoon for now...Stormrage = bad
thank you! Oh, that was no problem... we walked for a couple of hours and found a really secluded spot. there were one jogger in the forest that might have seen me but what the hell..

I made the best tasting bolw of tomato soup ever!!!!!
Must go buy those spices my roommate had now so I won't use all of his up. BWAHAHA
And other than that, nothing much else to report other than I already want this new semester over with. I wish I got paid more at my job because I'm really going to need the money. And...
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And other than that, nothing much else to report other than I already want this new semester over with. I wish I got paid more at my job because I'm really going to need the money. And...
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Yeah yeah I'm still bad with not keeping up with this and checking everyone's journals out. Too busy with life to have time to spend on intr0netz!
Tomorrow, Andrea and I are heading out to Atlanta to go to some stores that we've been wanting to go to for a while now but we've been so busy that we never have the chance.
Going to...
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Going to...
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it is SO good. the camera angles get annoying sometimes but it is nice to play something that is kind of hard after KOTOR II and Fable being so dissapointing. lack of money sucks. i hear ya there!!
intr0netz may be a new word to me.
I have to go squeeze that one into the dictionary, excuse me
I have to go squeeze that one into the dictionary, excuse me
Finally done with all of my finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, no more Fall semester.
Now I can finally clean up my place and relax some. Maybe even have time to comment in other people's journals once more.

thanks for commenting on my set
merry christmas!
merry christmas!

thanks for commenting on my set
..glad you like it
Sorry its taken so long to reply...things have been a tad
Hope 2005 brings you your dreams

thanks for commenting on my set

Sorry its taken so long to reply...things have been a tad

Hope 2005 brings you your dreams
Thanksgiving will be here shortly. Finally after three long months, I will have at least two days off from my week where I don't have to go into work or go to classes. Plus I get to stuff my face with food. Something else I haven't been able to do lately since I'm so poor. Only if it could last forever. *sigh*

thanks so mucha bout my set!!!!!!11

hah, yeah.. I already applied there a few days ago!