Okay, so go ahead and laugh at me if you want, but I've been trying a bunch of these online dating sites for the past two months. But today I just cancelled all of my accounts, because every date I've been on from these site have been one disaster after another. I've had dates where the girl was a one-way conversation machine, another where the...
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yeah i read that somewhere but i don't believe everything i hear... it could mean anything...
Bah. Her loss, right? Become a bartender, you meet TONS of people like that!

It's funny...the place where I work, we have a crowd of regulars that are friends we all hang out, etc etc. People come and go occasionally in our group, but since most of us are social retards, we all have dated each other (practically) at one time or another. it's kinda funny - but i suppose you know the ups and downs and good stuff and bad stuff about the person before you ever get into anything!

ah well. life. who knew.
Good stuff, man! I like your style. Very detailed work. The only thing I would say in the name of constructive criticism is, where are the light sources? Is it supposed to be dark? I think that purely black inkwork stuff like this can really benefit from strongly defined light sources, to give a wide range of values, and give objects a more three dimensional appearance. AT any rate, I still love it. Just giving my two cents, though that is usually all it's worth wink
Anytime, man! The only thing I ask in return, is that people give me the same honesty on my own artwork. I'll have some stuff posted soon, and then I'll be looking your way for some creative criticism! biggrin
My New Years went great, I drove up to Minneapolis and kicked it there. I went Salsa dancing; thankfully I didn't clothesline anybody or step on their shoes - the girl I was dancing with was the one stepping on my toes actually. You know, if I did clothesline somebody it would be kinda funny in that slapstick sorta way, especially if the person was...
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hey who were the girls at new moon? i'm just curious if i know'em... sorry bent i posted in our defense too wink
i totally know them... the tattooed girl is stephani she hosts spoken word there... she is very funny... the blonde girl is sarah she is very cool girl too her art is pretty cool... and i think christine is stephani's girlfriend... they are good people even if tom waits sings "you don't meet nice girls in coffeeshops" biggrin
I think I'm going to make a donation to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders. The sheer size of the Tsunami disasters....I can't even find the words for. I'm still shaking my head out of shock.

Anyhow, my latest effort of new pages...as always, I'm open to constructive criticism and comments smile Hope eveyone has a reason to smile, no matter how small or big...
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I know . . . . One day the toll is 20,000 the next its 70,000, and today it's 120,000. Just horrible. frown
With the tragedy in Southeast Asia and the death of Reggie White - I started out the day in tears. I can't fucking believe this shit. Such a sad, sad day in sports and the world.

But on a lighter note, my Christmas went well. My biggest gift was OsX Panther; my Mac has been faster since I installed it and I am glowing.

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napoleon dynamite is damn funny but don't expect some decent plot. its sorta like movie form of pathetic geek stories you find in the back of the Onion...
Merry Christmas with Guiness-I did celebrate myself with a few on Christmas Eve...
New pages updated!!! I'm going over one or two pages every day and replacing the font lettering with hand-written lettering. I've had plenty of people saying they disliked the fonts, so I'm taking heed and making a change, hopefully for the better. It will take some time before all the pages have hand-written letters (I have 60 plus pages of editing to do, on top...
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man your work looks great...keep me posted when it hits the printers skull
you really wanna know? okay. ohman, i got 10 comics and 2 graphic novels. let's see, i got a silent hill comic (SO GOOD), 3 old preacher comics ( i think you and a few other people recommended it to me), 3 dogwitch, chimney25, bear, dead@17(this was recommended to me, but i don't really like it), lackluster world, and junko mizuno's princess mermaid (the only book of hers i don't have. i have a mizuno tattoo, so you could say i'm a fan. this one's about topless human-eating mermaids smile ). i went with Belial81, he's an artist, too. you should put him on your friends list. biggrin
I got this nice glass of Merlot, a blank page just waiting for me to render it, and the music set on random playing from my iTunes.

Life is good, man. Life is good.
i want some wine!

gimme some!

God I love Stewie from Family Guy: [url]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/stewie-familyguy.html

I have two friends who have crushes on a couple bartenders at this one bar they frequent but my friends don't really do anything, they just sit there and watch them like a bunch of wallflowers. I've learned a long time ago never to flirt with a bartender, because 9 times out of 10 they only flirt...
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Memorial service for my grandmother was this weekend. We had a good turnout, and I think my father got the closure that he needed, which is good.

Saw Ocean's 12 - great movie! Very enjoyable, but I'd have to say I liked Ocean's 11 better. Still, well worth your bucks. I got really excited to see an extended trailer for Constantine - based off the...
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doesn't it kind of annoy you that they are making big budget movies on pretty much every comic ever made? kind of irks me. two words: incredible hulk. puke
oooo we went to see ocean's twelve on monday, i loved it! i can't say i liked one or the other better, just because i liked ocean's eleven because it was just so damn good, it established the story, and i liked ocean's twelve because it built off that story and you got to know more about the characters and it was more complicated. but yeah, i loved them! i can't wait to see constantine, when is that supposed to come out? i can't remember.
Hey! You like the pizza . . . . I had Pizza Man pizza last night with artichoke hearts, fresh 'maters, fresh garlic and cream cheese. It was so damn good . . . .
sell them at shows? yeah right! i'm not that good. i swear, that dress was a total fluke. blush

now if i could hire someone to sew my designs, THEN i'd be a bajillionaire. smile
Got back from Alabama late last night (from my cousin's wedding). The wedding was great, but I got sick of my family because I was around them almost every hour of the day - I know that sounds cruel, and I have nothing against them, but after awhile I just wanted to get the hell away from them. But the wedding itself had candles everywhere...
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yeah, family can be a massive pain in the ass, even if you love them to bits. I think it's a generational thing. For example, I wouldn't feel very comfortable telling my older-than-God grandmother about my ecstacy and cocaine fueled afterbar on Saturday night, but for some reason people around my age don't get so upset about those sorts of things. And grandma can blabber on and on all she wants about her latest medical fiasco/ surgery/bunion removal, yet my freinds would find such conversation topics revolting. Weird.... surreal
i prefer let-down mohawks myself. i dunno why.

yay for no ban!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin

yeah, i was kinda pissy when that book came out, because i already had every one of the johnny comics, so i didn't feel the need to buy it all over again. i hate it when they do that. it's like when they come out with a best-of cd of a band in which you have all their albums already. but johnny is sooo funny. smile
Thursday morning I'm taking an AM flight to the deep south of Alabama for my cousin's wedding. I can't wait, it'll be a blast. I'm sure I'll hate the line-dancing and two-stepping, but I'm excited to soak in a new atmosphere. And a chance to hook up with one of the bridesmaids. shocked

Just saw National Treasure; it was what I call "good popcorn cinema"; had...
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no smoking! i would hang someone..... i didnt know you had a relationship with an older woman, i guess iv been out of the loop. And drink up for me at the wedding.

Oh yeah, good luck with the bridesmaides skull
i have to admit, i can be like your friend who hates bands once they become popular. i try not to. it's just that when you find something special and it's kind of "your thing" and then they get on MTV and every 15-year old preppy kid is wearing their t-shirt, it becomes less special, i guess.

i wish it were the 50's, when everyone smoked everywhere. the bar should be the one sacred place that you are allowed to smoke. jesus, what's next, prohibition again?

hope you're having fun and enjoying the weather.