happy birthday, Carin.
in the chaos surrounding my whirlwind tax filing/ paying/ sobbing/ panicking/ relief, i did not call you today... i thought i would swing by your house later in the evening, take you out, "schmooze" you, as it were...
and then time slipped by...
and then it got so late, i was afraid to knock on your door.
i dont know if you...
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in the chaos surrounding my whirlwind tax filing/ paying/ sobbing/ panicking/ relief, i did not call you today... i thought i would swing by your house later in the evening, take you out, "schmooze" you, as it were...
and then time slipped by...
and then it got so late, i was afraid to knock on your door.
i dont know if you...
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stayed up all night watching shitty, shitty movies so i wouldnt have to dream.
daniel baldwin played some fat addled drunk/dumb sidekick... i recognized him from celebrity weight loss challenge where he played some fat addled drunk/dumb/pill popping fat guy.
why does that show exist?
i worry in the coming weeks that the bed i sprawl on will forget me, my shape coming undone and...
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daniel baldwin played some fat addled drunk/dumb sidekick... i recognized him from celebrity weight loss challenge where he played some fat addled drunk/dumb/pill popping fat guy.
why does that show exist?
i worry in the coming weeks that the bed i sprawl on will forget me, my shape coming undone and...
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I love you!!!
Miss Benni, I hope that you are well. 

there are moments of shame... moments of guilt and of sorrow welling in my throat when i look at all my failings...
one after another after another...
its almost beautiful in that i see them coming, gaping holes at my feet, but i fall in anyways, aware...
that this thing im doing is the wrong thing.
its hard to fix failure; repetitive failure, breaking you...
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one after another after another...
its almost beautiful in that i see them coming, gaping holes at my feet, but i fall in anyways, aware...
that this thing im doing is the wrong thing.
its hard to fix failure; repetitive failure, breaking you...
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if you ever find a way to deal with your shame and guilt.. please.... i hate the way it makes me feel, and i hate the way it tears up my soul and self-esteem...
thanks for the realism in your update... i dig it!
thanks for the realism in your update... i dig it!

Next time you come to Portland Halla at cha boy.
hey, my e's not tiny its a good size.....
your not talking to me are you....duoh!
your not talking to me are you....duoh!
You are, as they say, hot as balls.
detroit. detroit was very, very good to me.
before i got out there, the wonderful fuck made some calls on my behalf, and found me a place to stay. and not just ANY place to stay, mind you-- i was hooked up with a bed within the abode of the lovely, sweet, and amazing Kira.
i left thursday night around seven... and arrived, ragged...
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before i got out there, the wonderful fuck made some calls on my behalf, and found me a place to stay. and not just ANY place to stay, mind you-- i was hooked up with a bed within the abode of the lovely, sweet, and amazing Kira.
i left thursday night around seven... and arrived, ragged...
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I saw the magic in the most glorious of venues!
Take care
I saw the magic in the most glorious of venues!
Take care

Came across this thread and thought of you. Just because now that you've been loaded, maybe you have a story (or not).
The other day I just said "comment" because I forgot what I was going to write as soon as I saw that last picture. I only remembered now cause I knew I could blow right past it without looking at it again.
I still don't remember what I was gonna write, I think it was something about that first picture and how you look, but I'd have to go "near" that other picture.. I just can't. Update again soon? Please?
The other day I just said "comment" because I forgot what I was going to write as soon as I saw that last picture. I only remembered now cause I knew I could blow right past it without looking at it again.
I still don't remember what I was gonna write, I think it was something about that first picture and how you look, but I'd have to go "near" that other picture.. I just can't. Update again soon? Please?
i keep playing the "oh my god guys, i'm so sorry, i love you both" at Kira's house when you kissed me and J... hahahaha.
im happy that i got to canoodle with you in Dirt Rock City, and we'll have to keep the idea on a burner to have some more time together in the future with less stuff to do that would pull us in every direction possible.
looking back, this weekend was unforgettable. thank you for being a part of it and rawkin my world.

im happy that i got to canoodle with you in Dirt Rock City, and we'll have to keep the idea on a burner to have some more time together in the future with less stuff to do that would pull us in every direction possible.
looking back, this weekend was unforgettable. thank you for being a part of it and rawkin my world.

Re: Contortion
You definitely CAN learn! There are plenty of DIY contortion sites out there that have a regimen that you can use to begin limbering up. It is like any other art, though, in that you have to do the stretches EVERY day, or your muscles will tighten back up. Starting out with yoga daily is always a good idea.
I never had much problem with the flexing, it is the balance that I have troubles with. The "forearm stand" that was pictured wasn't really a true forearm stand. I was just getting used to balancing my feet in that position without falling to the sides. Now I have to learn to balance it without my chest being on the floor for it to be a true stand. HARD! Anyway, I've rambled enough. Here is a link to a very informative site.
Contortion homepage
You definitely CAN learn! There are plenty of DIY contortion sites out there that have a regimen that you can use to begin limbering up. It is like any other art, though, in that you have to do the stretches EVERY day, or your muscles will tighten back up. Starting out with yoga daily is always a good idea.
I never had much problem with the flexing, it is the balance that I have troubles with. The "forearm stand" that was pictured wasn't really a true forearm stand. I was just getting used to balancing my feet in that position without falling to the sides. Now I have to learn to balance it without my chest being on the floor for it to be a true stand. HARD! Anyway, I've rambled enough. Here is a link to a very informative site.
Contortion homepage
when you need the pretty words... that is when they fail you.
there are not words to describe...
theres a feeling... an amazing feeling of being so small and so insignificant that awe takes you in such a way... that your breath catches in your throat and your eyes start to well and youre not sure why....
and its beautiful.
maybe it was the oxygen...
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there are not words to describe...
theres a feeling... an amazing feeling of being so small and so insignificant that awe takes you in such a way... that your breath catches in your throat and your eyes start to well and youre not sure why....
and its beautiful.
maybe it was the oxygen...
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where the fuck are you? stepped on by a buffalo?

your words were very descriptive...I've seen places like this...out west...kind of puts it all together for you...makes you realize things.
ah, the joy of suspense. a slice to the bone, trip to the emergency room, and a series of stitches later, i spent a week in bed.
today, fed up. packed a bag, threw my necessaries in with a change of clothes... the car is warming in the garage...
im going to the badlands tonight.
watch out, west...
im coming.
today, fed up. packed a bag, threw my necessaries in with a change of clothes... the car is warming in the garage...
im going to the badlands tonight.
watch out, west...
im coming.

Yeahhh love my work, nothing else i'de rather do, oh except spend time with a hot woman heheheheeee !!!
oh shit! you love Corn Mo.
ive only ever wanted to be one thing. just one thing, and i always thought it was somethiing id never be. not because i couldnt be, mind you, but because... well... life always seems to find a way to fuck me over.
but next week... i think i get to be that thing.
*dramatic pause* next week i get to be--
ooooh! cookies are...
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but next week... i think i get to be that thing.
*dramatic pause* next week i get to be--
ooooh! cookies are...
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how come you get to do that to people. are you ever going to tell us what this thing is that you get to do?
blame it on the rain....
had a thought, but lost it...
every part of me is in pain. its not excruciating, but its definately there, its real and harsh and lingering... physical, most of it, but once in awhile it pushes its way in to my brain...
painful thoughts, painful dreams, painful memories...
i wake up with gnarled hands, no explanation, just curled and hurting... sometimes numb. what does it...
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every part of me is in pain. its not excruciating, but its definately there, its real and harsh and lingering... physical, most of it, but once in awhile it pushes its way in to my brain...
painful thoughts, painful dreams, painful memories...
i wake up with gnarled hands, no explanation, just curled and hurting... sometimes numb. what does it...
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Aww...thanks. I'll try and remember to wipe my shoes first.
i'll always think of you and read your thoughts..
just lost my update. motherfucker.
heh. soooo... about that last entry. oops.
getting ready for work... running late, but it feels like its too early in the day to be running late.
i woke up alone on a tearstained pillow, shallow breaths punctuated by dreamy whimpers...
i had that dream again. fuck that dream-- once was more than enough. tearstained and quivering is no way...
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heh. soooo... about that last entry. oops.

getting ready for work... running late, but it feels like its too early in the day to be running late.
i woke up alone on a tearstained pillow, shallow breaths punctuated by dreamy whimpers...
i had that dream again. fuck that dream-- once was more than enough. tearstained and quivering is no way...
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