i like this song... cuz i know how the beatles feel. like about finding a girl so attractive one feels ashamed. though i hardly feel ashamed these days. hmm that reminds mee of this song....
this version is pretty cool i think. i never knew that elliot smith covered it. it sounds like a live recording.i just found it... Read More
the speech to congress obama gave the other night kinda disappointed me. he didnt even talk about the 17,000 troops he is sending to afghanistan. like, dude...whats the plan? what are we trying to achieve on the boarder of afghanistan and pakistan. why more troops? i sat waiting for him to cover it listening intently about the economy and how... Read More
i am not confused by the war, rather confused with the new occupation area. its a part of afghanistan/ pakistan boarder we have never had good control of. in his address i wanted to hear him talk to the families of troops. letting us know that our family and the families of the pakistan/afghanistan peoples are in mind.
i want to show you all what TommyRocket made a while ago...
i am the blue haired one and reagan is the pink haired on! hehehehe.
i just found out i get to go to the final show in new york when conan moves away to los angeles on feb 2nd. i found out conan was moving his show to la about two... Read More
i have received plenty of emails from members asking me why they are no longer on my friends list. some seem understanding and others seem irritated. i think some of you may be writing me while you are dunk or very upset. so allow me to defend myself, this is my journal... so unless i have met you or know you... Read More
mrs. anatomik