Finally got round to having some decent photos of my half sleeves taken. It reminds me just how awesome Ben is as a tattooist, and how keen I am to get my left hand stuff finished.

The temptation of full sleeves is calling me.
Went up to see my grandparents today, first time in about 6 months. They're doing pretty good for 86, but my Granny is getting increasingly muddled. It's weird having them start to change after basically being constant for such a long time. Still it was great to see them and they were stoked with the telegram from the queen they got for their diamond wedding...
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One thing I'm actually enjoying at the moment with having to write up is using it as an excuse to exercise my penchant for obtuse language. I was quite proud of this sentance:

"The primary function of gestures for the speaker is to facilitate the communication of additional information not contained in the verbal channel; be this additional semantic, or paralinguistic, information."

I'm sure it...
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Bit of a fail day today work-wise, the internet won the competition for my attention. Internet 1 - Thesis 0

Also I've realised I need some decent pictures of my half-sleeves, the self shot ones I did are kinda crappy; I'll upload some as soon as I can get some taken.