So this one time, at the Jury Room, I got drunk as shit with my buddy that's in a death metal band who hasn't had a drink in 5 years... wow, that was a fun night. Ended up getting breakfast and getting in a fight at Denny's then going back to the bar at 6 am with our 2 friends that were serving at the...
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Hmmm. Ya, stuff.
"Work work work, moles and trolls, all you people do is work, doesn't anyone know how to have fun anymore?"
Pretty much like that, awesome.
thank you so much
The whole, 3 posts for 1 submission thing is awsome.
I realy hate the way this shitty script runs on this board. Wheres the fuckin delete button?
Norway IS beautiful! However... I dont live there, but I visit family there about twice a year.