Taking tests sucks whatever
oh come on..I bet its GREAT fun smile
Haven't felt very good lately, my stomach is being stubborn and it's starting to take it's toll. frown
Yesterday, when I got out of the shower, I went to my room and then went back to the bathroom. The mirror was of course fogged up except for a circle I made... but over in the upper right hand corner, there was a face, like the profile,...
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Holy Crap! I am officially freaked out!
Today, when I got out of the shower, I decide to look in that corner where the face was yesterday.... and guess what, it was there, again! eeek I just about freaked out, wiped it away, turned away for like 5 seconds while I freaked out some more, turned back and it was there again!!! eeek frown This time I took the hand towel and rubbed over it hard like 15 times. As I continued to get ready, I kept checking to make sure it didn't come back again, it wasn't. Still not quite satisfied that it would stay way, I wiped at it some more and left the bathroom. You have no idea how freak I was when I saw it show up again, I just about cried. I swear, I bet it will be back tomorrow after I take my shower, despite how much I rubbed at the spot. The size of it is almost life size, maybe a little smaller than the actual size of a head. Shit, I don't know what I'm gonna do if it shows up again! eeek frown
....well, whats that supposed to mean?!

(adopts fatherly voice) Dont forget protection little lady.
I had the best day ever, today. biggrin wink
that comment was actually made by bateman, but you probably knew that already....

i am glad you had a good though, i like having good days, good days are...well....good...

Looks like we are both very happy with new partners doesnt it? Cant wait to AIM you soon and get all the details..really good you are happy though.
smile kiss
Back from Portland..... boring as all hell!
I drove for 4 hours each way while my mom slept. We got to the hotel at 2am and then started driving back at 9pm, there for one frickin day. I had nothing to do, so I sat in the car and called my friends most of the time while my mom talked to her friend. whatever
Looking forward...
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So.... the black in my hair is pretty subtle, but I like it. Tonight I'm driving to Portland with my mom surreal
This is sad.... today I said bye to everyone except for my sis and everyone else at this house (her hubby, my nephew and my bro). I go back to Washington tomorrow frown
I see my dad again tomorrow, I'm going to make him sign a deal that he made with me so that he doesn't change his word like he did with my Germany trip...
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My sis comes home tomorrow, which means no more car for me, but it also means that I get to see her and Max again smile
4 days left......
My dad wants to see me again either tomorrow or Tuesday. I don't want to see him, but at the same time I want to bitch at him about what he's doing wrong even though I...
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Aww dont be bored & unhappy. I'll speak to you soon to see how you are getting on..
smile kiss
I saw Open Water yesterday.... disappointing. I was expecting much different. I thought it was going to be at least a little scarier.
Got my hair cut on Wednesday. I had something in mind before I went, but I just told Erin that I wanted it shorter. It turned out to be what I had imagined I wanted it to be smile I just let Erin...
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You ranter!

Do the black with red bits! That would look super evil and cool.

Its good that you wil have your friends to keep you happy when you get back.

Have some faces back girly:
smile puke shocked tongue biggrin blush kiss
So, i finally got my pictures from Germany back. I think me and my friend's mom looked funny walking around Costco with 23 of those packages/envelopes of pictures in our arms. I spent my extra time today sorting them and labeling what's in each set lol. As soon as I get back home I can load all 23 disks onto my computer and I'll have...
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I don't know if I hate my dad, but there is so much difference between us I feel we will never understand each other...so I try to keep my distance
Come on, wheres the pics woman?!

Hey i was born in the 70s so watch it! tongue
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad

Whats up hon? Did you get REALLY sunburned? I did warn you (but you were in a grumpy mood).
You've never really explained why you dislike your Dad so much. Im curious. Is he a bad man or just an idiot?
I'm getting my hair cut this week. And then when my sis, ButcherFX, gets back from Florida, she's going to put red highlights in my hair with the dye that she used on her hair (she's got pictures in her "hair" folder). I'm so excited, I haven't dyed my hair in a long time and I'm bored with it now. Plus, I haven't dyed my...
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Yay, sounds cool, go for it! if it looks bad we can laugh at it anyway.. tongue

Thats an intriguing profile pic missy G