Pay day!! Sadly the day was spent paying all this months bills so now pretty close to poor again. Sucks hardcore frown
I feel your pain! Unfortunately I feel it every two weeks lol
Sucks man, I used to get weekly or fortnightly pay when I was living in Australia but I actually prefer the monthly pay. I find it easier to manage the bills once a month, although the pile up is freaking me out every month, lol.
As promised in yesterday's blog, funny random animations!

Today has been a close to perfect Sunday. Just been relaxing and watching a couple of Masters of horror episodes. There are some reallyt good movies there but some are just plain fucking shit. Not sure how the directors or the writers can call themselves "Master of horror" but oh well...

Sadly, I have to work tomorrow...
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Blog time! Also known as chinchilla time, I find it quite enjoyable with the tradition of bringing the laptop with me as I let them out of their cage. Whilst they are tearing around the room chewing on anything they can find I can destress and just write down this blog.

Haven't done a lot of writing of late because of work related commitments which...
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I like the sound of chinchilla time!
I do the same with my royal python, he wanders around and investigates, while I either type of draw
love the little excerpt, it really makes me feel like I'm doing/seeing exactly what you are because of the vivid descriptions, especially stretching your spine, its such a natural thing to do, but really good when you think about it!
Today the only interesting thing happened when my chinchilla jumped up on my laptop!

He managed to press a combination of something because the screen lit up and said "Superspeed activated". It did make the computer faster than ever before and whilst being very happy about it, it still makes me slightly sad. The chinchilla is more more of a computer wiz than I am,...
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i want a chinchilla!!!! smile frown
So cute! Chinchillas are the greatestlove
Awful day today. You know that feeling when you either get really scared or extremely disappointed? That feeling when the air drops under you stomach? Well for some reason I have been feeling that throughout the entire day. Not sure why at all actually...

Maybe I just need some sort of change in my life not content at the moment despite trying my heart out...
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maybe you were just in a funk for today. tomorrow is a brand new day, dear smile xo
Had a very productive weekend. Not really but it was relaxing enough to be able to survive another week of the most repetative work known to man. Who knows? Maybe this week I get an extra hours of "work fun" so I can collect a good pay by the end of the month. Guess the purpose of work is not to be funny though, still...
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Starship Trooper's marathon!

First day of the weekend, is there any better way to celebrate it? I'd say... hell yeah...

Any opinions of the movies or the book? I've already seen them all and read the book so don't be afraid to do any spoilers. Everything from vadge faced brain bug in first movie to the horrible CGI in second to just the utter shittiness...
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Sitting in chinchilla room! They are hopping happily around and loving their out of cage time. Silver is tearing through his toy whilst Dragon is doing some high speed wall surfing. Sometimes it feels like a major chore to have them but a day like this when they are not trying to eat my laptop or all the wallpaper, they really do warm my heart....
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Evil Owl for the win!

Here is a section of a story that I am working on. Would love constructive criticism smile

My initial thought of just leaving the house without saying a single word is proving to be very hard. The pressure building behind my eyes I simply decide I need a outlet for the feelings. I know that Ash likes to spend some afternoons...
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I really like that, I can't wait to read some more from you! x
Damn it! Help needed....

So many thoughts, would love opinoins... Probably best to start off with some history to make the story more understandable. Sorry for a lot of text there are a couple of awesome vids at the bottom if you make it though surreal

There is a big tennis high school (year 10-12) that has national intake. Only the top 10 or extremely talented...
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I say go for it. Of course there's a chance that you'll get 2h of them saying you don't know shit (your words, not mine wink) but what if it's goes a lot better than that. She's obviously done well with your coaching methods and after all, maybe you can teach them a thing or two about thier methods. smile
I say go for it, don't let fear hold you back smile x