lets see.... my car will have new cooler mirrors in a week or so... i called the guy who broke my mirror off and asked him if he would rather give me money for a new mirror rather than have his insurances do it...
(i am such a nice gal) he agreed and the checks in the mail.
so iv decided to make a modelmayhem account, so that i can better myself in the modeling department.
get a feel for it, and learn some things before i try my hands at another set for the site. Practice makes perfect right? that and i need to find another photographer who meets SG standards, one that i feel comfortable working with, because getting naked in... Read More
haha yeah i actually did get a call not too long after i got home. thats really shady of them to do that. well maybe if i'm lucky when the season's over they'll let the new ppl go and not me ...a girl can dream right? lol.
i went to prom last year, and it was really pretty lame. there were no decorations, not even a theme. but, like i said, i always have a good time with the guy so i still had fun. never went to a homecoming tho (with the exception of freshman year when i went dateless and we all left early bc we were bored, hah!), but it wasn't so bad. had a good time with the guy again, got to catch up with a few of my younger friends, and got to help try to set up my little "sister" with the cute freshmen kid she has her eye on.
as far as zombieland goes, i'm not really sure at this point. the guy wha was mine and the bf's ride isnt sure if he can go or not yet. we were just going to get some white face paint to lighten the color a bit and i was going to do some veinwork like what i had done for the zombiewalk with some purple eyeliner, maybe a bit of green and purple shadow around the eyes? idk we don't have makeup or money either lol.
i really need outside opinion, opinions from people who don't know my life's story, people who wont pass judgment because they personally know the characters in my life. At this point i am torn in two directions on how to feel, and what i should do next.
the background info
aw thanks! i'm making all the other beads green and purple since we both have a thing for the joker lol. i'm so excited to start, i can't wait to get the beads!
and that sounds fine by me, i should be able to be up n ready by then. not like i need to put on any makeup beforehand or anything lol!
im a big believer in the saying "wrong me once, shame on you, wrong me twice, shame on me" i wouldn't be willing to take that chance, do you really what to go through the possible pain and suffering all over again, i know i wouldn't. Thats just me, but im also really good at holding grudges
do what ever you thing is going to be right for YOU
(edit) the girl who joined me in my last set, the rainbow hair one... (in da hood)
has finally submitted her first set...after almost a year of sitting on it) so we can finally see her shine, and long with witnessing with your own two eyes Iso camera work.
i'll keep ya posted on when i find out the que date on her set, until... Read More
hey girl thanks for the kind words no i'm not really a photog per say, i mainly just do a lot of self portraits and have been lucky enough to shoot for A7X a couple times but that's all.
in the last week or two, iv been seeing so many amazing professional shoots on this site, and its really making me itch for another change at pinkness! i know i have it in me, just give me a chance coach...te,he...but really i do need to shoot another one.... help me please!!!!!!
the bday surprise party was a success to a certain extent (about 2... Read More
I may have missed you at the show not sure. Crown kicked my butt quick!! Tramp house rave is playing again at peabody's at the end of the month again...we should hit it up!!!
the fur kids are all 100% again. running playing, fighting, puring. and all the other amazing things cats do.
have i ever mentioned i love cats, big ones little ones fat ones and skinny ones.. one day ill be the cat women on the Simpson, at least that's what my family tells me....
for the used fans....there new album Artwork is up on thepiratebay.com.. i... Read More
edit Aug 19th
the fur kids are all doing fine, all three are at home healthy and eating like crazy.
pettie (the youngest of the three 8months or so) is still feeling the effects some what, loss of balance, whinnying (lots of meowing) among other things. the doctor gave me muscle relaxer to help with his tremors, but he hasn't need one yet.
first off, new glasses, i forgot to mention them last blog...and new hair cut...change..its what i do, and i do it allot. i cannot stand to keep the same hair style or color for long. i need to switch it up none stop. my style is infinite.lol
i adore the new specs. best glasses yet..there black with a cute pink... Read More
wow that really does suck, i would hold a grudge too. that's kind of how it is with my mom, but she's not that bad. tho she did spend most of my grad party bragging about her son in the navy, ooh he's so special my perfect son who made me cry every other day for the past 16 years, no its not enough that he had his own party when he left but now i'm going to spend my daughter's party bragging too bc she's just going to college like a normal person but omg my son in the navy, he's so special i'm going to buy him a new bed that he'll never use while my daughter sleeps on the floor. god that's irritating.
adn they actually feel much better today, i did some maintenance on them yesterday to tighten them up and that seemed to help, so i think it was just the loose hairs that were making it so itchy.
and yes you are most definitely invited to the party, "a little out there" is nothing at all compared to most of my friends (sadly a lot of them will be gone already to school, but the ones who will be there are fun as hell. i'm sure they'll love you.)
(edit) still bored as hell....but took this quiz.. personality test
it said i am a creepy loner...
.and yep it its me to the T....
sorta creeped me out the way it pegged me. im gonna try it again to see if it matches...give it a try yo
So i am bored as hell, got the house all to my lonesome for the next 4... Read More
I understand what you mean about being alone. I think that is why I own so many animals!! I mean I love animals, but I have too many and i think that they distract me when I am alone....
Yeah cleveland....woo...love it.. hahaha.. at least I know there are some awesome ppl here.
well thanks for that, i just might have to take you up on that. i'm about to be doing interviews for a roommate soon and i'm reeeeally not looking forward to that at all. i have a feeling it's going to stress me out all over again.
haha that's exactly how i feel about it. and she kept asking me until i hid in my room "am i bothering you? am i bothering you? is everything ok? am i bothering you?" and i really wanted to tell her the truth, but i'm too nice for my own good sometimes so i just couldn't do it.
but you said your membership might be ending? did you want another way to keep in contact or anything?
Roverfest, yeah it was pretty fun, i meet a a bunch of nice gals there (calendar contests had to stay back stage for a good 3 hours), and then i meet allot of vain girls too, all in all, id try it again, but with a tan next time
can you tell which girl is me (by the way i got a hair cut)... Read More
omg i just remembered a garbage can about 2 days after i wrote that blog bc i saw one in a kmart ad for $1.99
i got a small one for the bathroom, and i think i may go back and get another one for the kitchen. i can't believe i didn't think of that!
and cleaning supplies are definitely important, i can't forget those. i also realized i still need a canopener and spatula and stuff like that after i went garage sale-ing and saw a few crappy ones. it's crazy how much you don't realize that you need until you don't have it! that's y i'm so glad i get the first couple weeks free so i can afford to go out and get all that.
i'm so excited to get my dreads!!! you're such a life saver, i was starting to get desperate enough to go to a salon! and did i mention how much i love the haircut? bc i do!
The last one is my favorite....super duper cute! The 1st and 4th are tied for second.