Marmite is truly, truly foul. I never thought you were quite that English, but maybe I've underestimated you.
Marmite is truly, truly foul. I never thought you were quite that English, but maybe I've underestimated you.
I agree with legionnaire...
I'm writing a script for a play/production evening. I am NOT a playwright and it's really fucked up that I'm doing this. I'm a choreographer/dancer so that's what is driving this along. Using performance skills and production skills.... It's been fun though and it's not like it is some major deal. God forbid. It's community based and I'm working with people from my town. I think it will be neat in the end.
Merry Christmas!
[Edited on Dec 25, 2004 9:25PM]
I'm writing a script for a play/production evening. I am NOT a playwright and it's really fucked up that I'm doing this. I'm a choreographer/dancer so that's what is driving this along. Using performance skills and production skills.... It's been fun though and it's not like it is some major deal. God forbid. It's community based and I'm working with people from my town. I think it will be neat in the end.
Merry Christmas!
[Edited on Dec 25, 2004 9:25PM]
Bet you're pretty shocked by that, huh?
Bet you're pretty shocked by that, huh?
- While fishing in the blue lagoon,
I caught a lovely silver fish,
And he spoke to me, "My boy," quoth he,
"Please set me free and I'll grant your wish;
A kingdom of wisdom? A palace of gold?
Or all the fancies your mind can hold?"
And I said, "O.K." and...
Read More
No vineyard but I do have a huge backyard with a lot of snow in it right now!
I'm terrible with house plants (I have one uber tough spyder plant and some cacti) but I'm not bad in the garden. I love garden tomotoes and peas. Nothing like a pocket full of garden peas to munch on. Woot! Sound like a good deal?
I usually choreograph just for myself only because of where I live. There is not a lot of access to skilled dancers. I would love to work on a serious company. I'm at the point in my skills where I'm ready to tackle that. There is a scholarship and mentorship program in Toronto where you work for a month with a company and a choreographer as mentor. You have to apply and sort of out logistics of time (that's the one sticky part having a little guy). I would love to do it though.......
[Edited on Dec 21, 2004 10:46AM]
I'm terrible with house plants (I have one uber tough spyder plant and some cacti) but I'm not bad in the garden. I love garden tomotoes and peas. Nothing like a pocket full of garden peas to munch on. Woot! Sound like a good deal?
I usually choreograph just for myself only because of where I live. There is not a lot of access to skilled dancers. I would love to work on a serious company. I'm at the point in my skills where I'm ready to tackle that. There is a scholarship and mentorship program in Toronto where you work for a month with a company and a choreographer as mentor. You have to apply and sort of out logistics of time (that's the one sticky part having a little guy). I would love to do it though.......
[Edited on Dec 21, 2004 10:46AM]
Now, now, I really can't condone bear-baiting.
@@Amen to that. Human baiting on the other hand, I'm all over it.
I had no idea what a skua was, so I googled it. With its sharp beak and the whole "I'm not afraid you, you oversized rodent" attitude it has, I would be concerned, at the very least, to be around them. Do they ever attack people unprovoked? What do you do to avoid such assaults? Have you lost any colleagues to them?
@@They are mean, and they do attack. I speak from first hand experience on that one. Fucker was trying to steal my food. Galley food no less. Little monster. Skuas are big, mean and smart. Frankly, they are the top predator as far as I'm concerned. At least in Antarctica.
Speaking of which, shouldn't the correct form of what you do be "defenestrato" (plural: "defenestrati"), or possibly "defenestrata"?
@@Nope. I would have said the same thing, unfortunately it is defenestrati, in plural and in both sexual cases. There was even a study done on it if you can believe that. Yep, cow farts on the ozone too.
Hope your day is wonderful.
@@Amen to that. Human baiting on the other hand, I'm all over it.
I had no idea what a skua was, so I googled it. With its sharp beak and the whole "I'm not afraid you, you oversized rodent" attitude it has, I would be concerned, at the very least, to be around them. Do they ever attack people unprovoked? What do you do to avoid such assaults? Have you lost any colleagues to them?
@@They are mean, and they do attack. I speak from first hand experience on that one. Fucker was trying to steal my food. Galley food no less. Little monster. Skuas are big, mean and smart. Frankly, they are the top predator as far as I'm concerned. At least in Antarctica.
Speaking of which, shouldn't the correct form of what you do be "defenestrato" (plural: "defenestrati"), or possibly "defenestrata"?
@@Nope. I would have said the same thing, unfortunately it is defenestrati, in plural and in both sexual cases. There was even a study done on it if you can believe that. Yep, cow farts on the ozone too.
Hope your day is wonderful.
There is nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
There is nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
There is nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
There is nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
Don't mind this space. I'm figuring out formatting techniques. My real entry will be up shortly.
Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor
- indented portion
more indent
more indent
last indented line
Back to normal.
Reason to be worried about the future of America no. 18:
Mass death by food toxicity.
Mass death by food toxicity.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington-based advocate for nutrition and health, dubbed the Thickburgers "food porn," the Monster "the fast-food equivalent of a snuff film."
I am not 100% sure what the book is about yet. Right now it seems to be a coming of age type story ![smile](
hey welcome to SD group new? ur maybe I'm just slow hehe
It looks like it's going to rain today.
Which is rather perplexing.
I am in San Diego.
Which is rather perplexing.
I am in San Diego.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
Cal is not going to the Rose Bowl.
They are, however, playing right here in San Diego. But that is not the Rose Bowl.
I am very upset with this turn of events.
So much so, in fact, that I have nothing else to say.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
Cal is not going to the Rose Bowl.
They are, however, playing right here in San Diego. But that is not the Rose Bowl.
I am very upset with this turn of events.
So much so, in fact, that I have nothing else to say.
yeah, cal was robbed. Stupid officials took away a TD at the end on a bogus call. And the USM announcers were going on and on about how cal was playing poorly. Hello? We dominated USM. I'm sure the announcer banter screwed us in the poll. Bullshit.
Anyway, I'm in my final year at Columbia Law. Looking forward to being done and getting to work. 3L sucks.
Are you working as an atty in San Diego now?
Anyway, I'm in my final year at Columbia Law. Looking forward to being done and getting to work. 3L sucks.
Are you working as an atty in San Diego now?
It's fucking bullshit. Everyone is saying so - Texas lobbied so hard to get that, they really blow. It's just another reason why I absolutely despise that entire state and everyone in it.
Pics from my journal.
I am greatly looking forward to getting back to tha NYC. I shan't be hopping around too much, though, as I'm mostly going to spend QT with the little lady. Plus, most of my friends will be out of town, I think.
Do you have a big-firm job lined up for when your clerkship is over? If so, DON'T TAKE IT!!