ah sleep. my friend. feeling much better today. and, it's been like a desert around here but I finally hooked up and I couldn't be happier. plus, it's harvest season yay! going out with zesty again tonight. staying up late I'm sure.

pictures. i know i know i know i know. I'll get to it. been busy. and sleepy. want to get my new ink...
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Hey, hey! I just approved your membership to SGCT so, welcome aboard! Feel free to stop by the groups' New Member Thread. If you're interested and available, a flock of us will be travelling up to Hartford for Shag Frenzy at the Webster Underground. We'll be holding up the back bar by the bathrooms. biggrin
had a super shitty day at work yesterday. tried to offest that by staying up late drinking absente with zesty. like til 3am or so. but then had to get up for work early and now I'm hungover, fussy, cranky and I have a headache. not enough playtime. not happy.
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored. wish something would happen.
yer in CT, its our nature to be bored...
come to SGCT events tho - they are lots of fun!!
but first, become a member of the group!! wink