With finals week beginning tomorrow morning, my time on the site will be scarce for a few days. I leave you with a journal entry that will keep for that long: some of the words from (Canto III of) my favorite epic poem. Enjoy.

"The Knave of Diamonds tries his wily Arts,
And wins (oh shameful Chance!) the Queen of Hearts.
At this, the Blood...
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I'm totally moving to New Zealand to raise goats, knit things and make goat cheese pizzas.
my plan has worked, yet again. finals? one does not need to be productive in life when they can feel accomplished in a game!
i wish to play with you in said game. are you on deathwing?

i feel exactly the same way about winter. the cold, it does not please me. only when the snow falls does my outlook change. this morning i awoke to whiteness out my window. happy times.

why aren't you my friend? i like how you write.

My take-home final for Senior Seminar was assigned today. The task? Write myself a letter of recommendation. That's the culmination of fives years of Communication Studies and nearly a quarter-million dollars. I wasn't expecting much, but... *sigh*

It's okay, though; I made sure to have some fun with it. I think I spent an entire paragraph talking about ninjas. I'm pretty sure my professor will...
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Yeah, she has just earned herself the "Sorry, I'm busy," every time she calls until she gets the point. The most astounding thing is she and I have been friends for six years, and she didn't think there was anything at all wrong about what she did.
I understand, Northeastern, gotta love it.
I think I'm going to start wearing the definition of sincerity pinned to my shirt, written in capital letters. Honestly, have we become so jaded that any statement of thanks or praise is seen as stupid, creepy, or false? I certainly hope not.

I've noticed that as well, even in myself. It took me a while to adjust to my boyfriend's sincerity when we first started talking. I'd just figured he was saying nice things because he had an agenda.
POEE returns from his home state of TN today. That means I'll be drinking -- and so I should finish my work before his flight lands at Logan sometime in the next three hours.

A more lengthy and candid entry I promise you soon, reader. For now though, my mind is moving more than a hundred miles an hour and is commited solely to getting...
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by city of heroes? i played beta and just could not get into it. it seemed to lack depth.
wow is completely superior.
I'm in Connecticut until Sunday. And as I don't think my very Catholic mother would much appreciate me using her computer to access SG, I offer my few journal readers my sincerest holiday wishes now. See you all next week.
thanks! i hope you had a wonderful holiday.
One day to rest, meeting my sister's friendly Pit Bull, driving for the first time in four months, and stuffing I would fight my departed grandmother for. I'm fairly certain that I'll be whacked with a wooden cooking spoon before the weekend's out, too.

God, I love Thanksgiving.
I stayed up until 5:30 a.m. working on my third group presentation of the semester. Then, in a miraculous feat of willpower, I raised myself from the dea...er, sleeping, and got to my class just ten minutes late - albeit uncaffeinated and ready to maim. One hour later my professor leaned over and says, "Dan, I don't think there's going to be enough time to...
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All of my work for Crisis Comm. evaporated into the ether this week. It took me a good two days to regain my composure afterwards, but I finally managed. Now it's round two - or sixteen, depending on how you look at it.

Also, I got my quarter-assed (if you will) Horror exam back. I got a B-. I didn't read Dracula, Hideaway,...
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The funny thing about rough patches is that we all come out of them realizing more about ourselves than we may want to know. During my last bout with depression, I was pretty sure that I was not a nice person, and then I realized that many of my "friends" we causing me stress and thus causing me to be "not so nice."

So I had to clean house.

My favorite book by Neil Gaiman is probably American Gods, it's amazing, wonderful, and I think about it at least once a day. Although he doesn't write many comic books any more, he still writes like a comic book writer, and I can visualize everything that he writes as if it was illustrated right there on the page.

As far as the latest Coheed & Cambria album, I am not so sure. I have only heard two songs from it ("A Favor House Atlantic," and "Blood Red Summer"), but I find it to be wholly enjoyable, as far as those two songs go.

Instead, right now I am listening to PJ Harvey's Uh Huh Her, Le Tigre's This Island, The Killers Hot Fuss, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Abbatoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus, and Interpol's Antics.
When one is fighting oneself and losing, parents are the most irritating people on the face of the fucking planet. Now, generally speaking, I have a very good relationship with my parents. But, my mother is the absolute icon of both irrationality and tactlessness. She called me the day before last week's trip to Seattle for the express purpose of telling me that she would...
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There is so much old-lady in me that wants to agree with your parents, but I will not say that because I know how you do, ultimately, want to graduate on time after all.

The thing is, you need to do what you need to do. Your sanity is more important than any schoolwork on the planet. Your sanity is first in line for anything else in the rest of the world, and should not be compromised for anything else except bliss.

The end.
I flew out to Seattle this past weekend to visit one of my best friends and his wife. We kept everything low-key: went to a couple of restaurants, played games, and had some good laughs. And, somehow, I managed to relax for a couple of days. Now I'm back in Boston and jet-lagged. I've more to say, but, despite my pre-trip scramble, I'm still behind...
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