Work is ridiculous. Some shoppers are really grumpy if you don't have what they want and others are completely fine. Some visits from some SGfolk really brought up what began as a shitty day/week. Thanks for brightening up my day!
First off, on Sunday, my car breaks down on Regent Street at an intersection. Regent is one of the main roads in F'ton and definitely...
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First off, on Sunday, my car breaks down on Regent Street at an intersection. Regent is one of the main roads in F'ton and definitely...
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Yep, we have kittie ones and at least one kind of duck slippers. Also everything is "buy one, get one 50%" off this week, so it's a good time to buy slippers.

not really.
O SG, how I missed you. So yeah I'm back.
Thanks for the welcome back.
I haven't been on a lot since Carrie Ann moved in. Living with one of your closest friends is excellent. Carrie wakes up, comes into my room and jumps all over my bed waking me up and then we watch cartoons, Dawson's Creek, and Saved By The Bell. Then we...
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I haven't been on a lot since Carrie Ann moved in. Living with one of your closest friends is excellent. Carrie wakes up, comes into my room and jumps all over my bed waking me up and then we watch cartoons, Dawson's Creek, and Saved By The Bell. Then we...
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Welcome back
Ooo... I have a Chapters-rel'd question: I notice you guys stock a little Manga. Do you have any of the naughty stuff, or is it all pretty family-friendly? All I found was the latter, but I didn't look very long. I also checked out your "dirty books" today... lots of Anias Nin. Good stuff. 

I love Canada.
I also have a lover which is why I haven't updated much. My lover? A professor. Oh yes, so very Dawson's Creek. Well, it's not a prof of mine though which makes it less interesting.

I also have a lover which is why I haven't updated much. My lover? A professor. Oh yes, so very Dawson's Creek. Well, it's not a prof of mine though which makes it less interesting.
Hey, look who's back! 

Welcome back!

I finally have a moment to myself to ogle naked girlie pictures.
So, I need to start saving up for rent now. I also have drunken pictures from election night to post. I went to the Snooty Fox (pub) to watch the election and shared a few pitchers of beer. As Bush began to win, I just started to knock back the beers.
My stomach...
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So, I need to start saving up for rent now. I also have drunken pictures from election night to post. I went to the Snooty Fox (pub) to watch the election and shared a few pitchers of beer. As Bush began to win, I just started to knock back the beers.
My stomach...
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Went to a Big Gay Hallowe'en Dance last night. Well, it wasn't actually called that. I think it was the gay and lesbian halloween dance. Anyway, got drunk for the first time being 19 (woo!) and danced a lot even though I suck at dancing. Also checked out all of the cute (unavailable) girls. Sab and I were the youngest girls there (both 19) so...
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thank you and congrats on cancer free
I really want to get out of this stupid town. Anyone up for a road trip? To say, California? Hmmph, yeah I thought so
I shot my first set for an SG Hopeful. Okay, well she's my friend but still. She's absolutley beautiful and I think she'll get accepted as long as my photography doesn't ruin it. I get so paranoid about her being rejected....
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I shot my first set for an SG Hopeful. Okay, well she's my friend but still. She's absolutley beautiful and I think she'll get accepted as long as my photography doesn't ruin it. I get so paranoid about her being rejected....
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I'm going to be late for work because I'm trying to figure out why I can't upload my goddamn pictures to SG. I place SG before my job. That's comforting. 

im making your dream come true....sorta
I'd let you do a set for me!
But I'm in Sudbury, Onatario.
But I'm in Sudbury, Onatario.
I've been so busy working that I almost forgot that I turn the big 1-9 this Friday. I'm thinking of taking a little road trip to Saint John to Babylon (an awesome gay bar) to celebrate. But I'll have to do it in a few weeks since I'm working so much. I might just go into Fredericton to one of the local (hopefully not shitty)...
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For she's a jolly good fellow! Happy b-day!
happy birthday , only 12 months left as a teenager then its on to adulthood

Sorry I've been kind of absent. I honest to goodness have no current social life. And I'm still broke? Anyway, I lovelovelove Stormy's newest set and it really made my week a bit better. It's funny how things like that can completely change your day.
I'm going to get to work on my photography portfolio soon, any volunteers up for modeling? I want to get...
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I'm going to get to work on my photography portfolio soon, any volunteers up for modeling? I want to get...
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Were you standing by the kiosk in front of Athlete's World? Yeah, that was probably me you saw.
My dream job is similar to yours... I like taking pictures, but I kind of suck at it, so I think I'd like to start my own magazine. Plus then I could go on Book Television and meet Daniel Richler.

My dream job is similar to yours... I like taking pictures, but I kind of suck at it, so I think I'd like to start my own magazine. Plus then I could go on Book Television and meet Daniel Richler.

Most of the friends I had in high school are now pornstars or they want to be ones... Of course this doesn't bother me but it still makes me think...

Wow, really? I go out of my way to avoid talking to people I knew in high school.

hey im doin some fall cleaning on my buddy list please respond if you wish to stay my buddy

hey im doin some fall cleaning on my buddy list please respond if you wish to stay my buddy
Oh MAN, a new Stormy set was posted!Yay 

Today is apartment hunting day. I've called at least 10 people and the apartments are either ridiculously overpriced or already sold.
Fuck, I need a place to live!
Fuck, I need a place to live!

awwww, thanks! You'r epretty awesome yourself! I mean, anyone who watches Queer As Folk is awesome for sure! 

Good luck with the search as well, you'll find just the right one for you soon enough. Thanks for the response. I actually don't do any downloading off the net I hit Ebay for them sooner or later.