What a hellish year so far. mad
I haven't gone OUT since christmas, haven't seen a movie in months and went to see Ultraviolet...it was so ridiculously stupid we walked out. Sorry comic fans, that one was not for me.
My homework has been the worst ever!
But I think I have a break now...It's my spring break! Yeah, but I still have to work.
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Ultraviolet is the best comedy I've seen in a long time! tongue

I swear, if Milla would've just turned to the camera and talked to the audience a few times, it would've been the greatest.

I don't know if you made it to the scene when she fights the guy with dreads and the guy with the ponytail, but I'm surprised she didn't just turn to the camera and say something like

"Hey....these guys both have long braided hair! Should I use it against them? <pause> I thought so!"

School is going well, so far. The job search is okay. I figure I better focus on passing my classes to graduate or I won't need a job just yet.
I'm a bit anxious about the whole job thing because i really don't want to get stuck in an office or cube all day. The pay is going have to be good or the work...
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Hey, an update...imagine that.
It the final semster. I'm starting my job search and still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up. frown
The holidays were great, we actually had enough money thanks to loving parents and great ol' Gammy. love
I love my gammy.
Don't know if I'll ever make it back up to party w/ the Atliens. They're so nice...
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Honey, what do you mean you don't know? You have to come back. We love you!kiss

Seriously, e-mail me your number if you have a chance. This year we need to hang out.smile
I love Valentina.
God i need a new pic. Maybe I'll do a holiday one...maybe not.
One more final to go and done for a month. Then on to my last semester and the job hunt.
My thoughts for my General business degree..sounds generic to me...is probably marketing stuff, human resources, no managing people-things maybe.
I'll have to see what's out there.
I really hate...
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i bet you're ready for college to be done.

too bad about the party. you missed a lot of fun. job hunts however are no fun. hope you have a nice christmas and all that good stuff.
Hey...heres another party if your up this way! Its gonna be a late nighter for sure!

The semester is almost over!
I'm so excited. I finished the big presentation I had to do on Tuesday and it went fine.

Went back to court today for the burglary back in March and was told we didn't need to be there because the guy was on the dockett for next week but we don't have to go because he's just gonna be guilty....
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You must be thrilled about graduation! You should be very proud.biggrin

You're coming to the party this Saturday, right? Pretty please say yes.kiss
okay a real update...no pouting. wink

We've already decorated the salon for christmas because the shopping center we're in has an open house this weekend to get the holiday shopping going. somewhat pleasing- somewhat disturbing.

the semester is quickly wrapping up up. it's bitter-sweet because i'm glad to see it end but with the end comes papers and finals and presentations- OH MY!
I watched the...
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you are definetely right!
multiple girls sets rock!!!
Here's my update because i know everyone is dying to read it!!! whatever
That's all - writer's block.
Sick of typing to myself... frown
i didn't mean to imply that at all, dear. just was lettin' ya' know people read. I can tell ya' though that a good way to get comments is by making comments.

I hope to see you and your guy out again for the christmas party when the details get sorted out. smile
Hey chica. Miss you lots!kiss

I think maybe I've been avoiding Columbus because of the associations with my grandmother. I feel awful for not coming down to see my grandfather, but it hurts, you know? Also, I'd love to come see you. Please don't think I don't want to!
I really need a new profile pic. Will you put agood one in for me honey? wink
Only 6 weeks to go in the semester! I'll graduate in May with a BA in General Business shit, any ideas anyone?
I really need more money for more tattoos, new boots and frontline for my dog.
I really need there to be more hours in the day.
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i really need to find peace with what i do and dont have..
i agree with everything you said..

p.s.. i put responses to your comments in my journal.. so if i put one of these in your journal it means check mine..


happy halloween!!
ok here's my update:
I'm freakin' busy.
This si the first week of school since I started on the 22nd of august that I don't have something due. I have a test on tues but I've about given up on learning the substitution and income effects on labor economics. Just when i feel like i get it I read someting that blows my thinking... frown
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How'd everything go with the trip? I hope the boys weren't too much trouble for you.wink

When are you coming this way?kiss
I did a little updating in my profile.
school's okay, very busy.
Went and saw the exorcism of emily, it was pretty good. I wonder how true it was.
My hair's growing, it's purple these days. I figured I won't be getting a real job til may so I can be whatever color i want.
I'll post a pic soon.
Not much else going on....
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I love Roberta Flack.love She has a gorgeous voice.

Miss you! I have been so antisocial this summer-I wish you'd met me last summer when I was actually fun! I'm getting my second wind with fall coming, though, so hopefully we can actually hang out soon.kiss
congrats on the purple hair
OK back to the plan.
It's a good thing, my gut was not feeling well yesterday before I got the call that they want somebody with a criminal justice degree. I was stressing about how i was going to do full time work in my already crazy sched.
So, it's all good.
It has really put my present sched in perspective...it's really not that bad...
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It's somewhat frustrating when you have a plan, you've stuck to it and it's working then, something happens and derails you. My case...
I was offered a job as a Legal advocate to battered women at a shleter that starts Sept. 23rd. It pays more than what I was expecting to get after I graduate and I haven't graduated yet. There's benefits, holidays, vacation, etc...
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hahaha that's funny. reminds me of one halloween when i was working in a warehouse. I needed a quick costume for a party and I made one out of bubble wrap. A full suit similar to yours but with more bubble wrap. I was the hit of the party, the girls loved it and were popping and hugging me all night...good times. I'l try and find a picture.

[Edited on Sep 12, 2005 8:23AM]