this weekend was great lots of outdoorness and just when i think a monday will turn out useless i learn big money may soon roll in. hurray i need a new tattoo.
hopefully i'll be taking some good pics coming up soon other than that nothign goes on in this shitty little bubble.
i was though, thinking of writing an essay just for myself but...
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therapy is working but not necessarily the way it's designed to. we go and talk about our last arguement and our counselor tells us "the mans job (in a relationship) is to love, the woman's is to respect" at that point i'd had enough of this zealot and his gospel approach. waste of an hour to spend our time in there defendign ourselves adn our...
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Wow, I was scared to death of getting a counselor that would be 'preaching and condemning' instead of actually trying to help.

At least it is bringing you and your husband together, though. I can't get over that..."the man's job is to love and the woman's is to respect" as if man and woman aren't supposed to do both plus a whole lot more.

But I'm glad this finds you doing better all around. smile
either my heart murmur is acting up or i just read that nonsence about maynard.
to top that off sadly my set was rejected and insult to injury i have to wait three months before submittign another. of course now even with a no-go i am insistant on hubbs mentioning that i am a nude model.
all else is well
sin city was perfect.
Well, I'd love to shoot your set, but the problem is I'm not in Fayetteville NC, but Fayetteville GA. Sorry. But if we can arrange something then it can be done smile
I'm so looking forward to Sin City when it gets over here. I hear good things so far so I'm excited being the comic nerd I am. wink

I'm also glad that things are going well for you. I'm still out of sorts as my journal points out but I can feel things moving toward a resolution...which relieves while it frightens confused
went up to nj for the weekend. it sucks seeign people you knew when you were so differnt. i mean there's a table of my once aopn a time friends in my once apon a time favorite place to hang out, if i ever had one at all of course, and we talked and we caught up on four, five plus years in ten minutes...
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someone has got to have room in the place, the secret heart box, for a person like me. i know pitiful as i am i'm really quite entertaining. i bring up sex and sexuality with and in front of all the wrong crowds. i'm equal parts fatass lazy and go go go.
gotta cut this-
hey,..i almost went to methodist college in ur town,..i palyed prep bball in raleigh,..ur prof rocks,..u look like my kinda girl
i think i've given up on tryign to exit lonely town. things with hubbs stand absolutely nowhere and really i'm just tired of the whole thing. little boy is doing nicly with or without his dad around but i'm gettign shaky and weepy at any given moment even if only for a moment. i guess that puts me back to the begining i'm in no...
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i was living in a city I absolutely hated for the last 6 years...I slowly turned into someone else, I was miserable...I hated life...I have just moved, got a new job and in about a month I am happier then I have been in so long and I am getting back to my normal self
as quoted from shriek 2...change is good, donkey
what a sad panda am i. weeks of dishonesty and better better best sex have left me feeling blue. hubby doesnt like to tell the whole truth and i'm left to take care of situations i've never even heard of. humph.
big brother got into a top rated school, so so proud of him.
i'll feel better once someone takes some naked pictures.
Hi...saw your thread on the matrimony site...thought Id stop by.

5 years today so i allowed myself to think it. what if i used? it's a question worth asking, i mean should i forever be branded an addict because i used to much to fast at to young?

i'm not using now today or anytime that i can foretell because i think the risk out weights the benfit. i'm not so depressed (for lack of...
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it is good to reflect on how we have changed and grown. Some of the things I've done within the last 2 or so years I couldn't have even imagined doing in highschool. Part of me mourns the innocent I used to be but a larger part realizes being naive and innocent remain qualities of the young. I want to be an adult, live like an adult, and learn like an adult. Yet, I'm still frightened.

I'll be in fay. march 20-27th but spending most of that time with family and the other part down in myrtle beach. I'm determined that we will get together in Sept., though. smile
well i think the shelly situation has come and gone. she came over friday saying the next day was time to leave and mentioned oops you cant bring your son and oops i dont have a way for you to get back but, dont worry. it was all fun and surreal and incredibly odd as every time she's come by has been but hubby went...
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i was just reading some journal entries and noticed one in particular but a few people have said things like i'm bisexual but hate the term. i think the "What" value of the word (with big glazed over eyes and open O mouth) has thankfully dissapated over the years.
it was '94 i think that i broke up with my longest running friend after about...
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this nut keeps coming to my house. i dont know what she wants me to do, well i do first she wanted me to take her baby now she wants me to drive her to LA next yo no sey. she's some form of adult entertainer which if she werent physcotic would fit me nicely. she hasnt made any films but she's done alot of...
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hey, i was wondering where you were... smile

that chica seems kinda off...please be careful, crazy people can snap at the drop of a hat surreal

"the hubby is starting to taste less and less like plain old vanilla" - do you mean you're starting to feel better about the relationship?

I hope we can chill when I come back to fay in sept. (possibly aug. if things change)

ever been with someone and there's not much there. i'm sure this is a common place a common theme in young adult relationships. nothing new nothign suprising but i come to find that i'm not the one clinging. symbyoticly living off their resistance to me my ways. it's shitty and cold but satisfying to know someone wants you. desperation is a big thing with me...
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