well, i've been busy at work and working on my car. i've been hanging out not at home a ton. i went to calie early jan and it was sweet. some of my pics disappeared and i have to re-load them, but the link's at the bottom. nothing huge has really happened. it's hard to keep people posted.al's cali pics
Happy Birthday!!! biggrin biggrin
i have finally returned.
sorry to anyone who cares, i haven't been around much. i've been working, going to class and hanging with friends a lot cruising around. the car i recently bought needs a bunch of shit done to it. it's an 84 rabbit gti. badass. the band is next to done. work is slow and my class is over as of tomorrow. i've been really good at...
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Work's been really slow for me, too. Hope it picks up for you! What are you going to be doing in CA?

you + me + shoving metal + through my face = yes.
nothing much new. had class on halloween. watched friday the 13th part 4 after at mike's. we went to s&s with casey afterward at like 2 am and got soda and a block of cheese. it was good. i'm just playing guitar.
Soda and cheese?! surreal
ok I rented Saw I swear I'm gonna watch it tonight
man, i haven't been on here in a long ass time. as i sit here playing bass (suprise) and listening to discharge, i try to think of anything people might want to know. 2 nights ago my band opened 2nd stage for gwar at the webster. everything about the night was awesome. tonight we caulked the sunroof of my VW closed cause it leaked rain...
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hey call me so we can hang out this week tongue
just sitting around playing bass. not much new. listening to (hed)pe. i will probably do nothing tonight. i put up a new pic of me from last night, you can kinda see my dreads. i need to shave and i need new blades for my razor. maybe i'll take a trip and get some tonight. probably not though.
wow, i just saw that post you put on the sgct board back in september
playing bass is so fun

please check my thread in your regional group and see if you can find it in your heart to help me?
i'm sitting here reading for my one class listening to music. i had a fairly busy day at work then hung out with sean reid at ECSU. i plan on falling to sleep watching visions of the beast.
I'm offended you were right up the street from me and didn't let me know. tongue
Hey! Got the application to SGCT and was happy to let you in! Feel free to stop in, nose around for events & pictures and drop a line in our New Members Thread. biggrin
sorry, i haven't updated in a long ass time...i just renewed my membership and it's hard for me to type about myself, cause no one probably cares anyway lol. well, my summer work was slow, but things are picking back up. i got my left sleeve started 2 weeks ago with some black and grey skulls, earth ad style and it's gonna be a huge...
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ok, devil's rejects is amazing. i've seen it twice and intend on seeing it many more times. my band played a pig roast with a bunch of strippers and i pierced my nose and shaved. i'll put a pic of my nose, pre-shave. i also saw maiden and sabbath at ozzfest. beyond all description.
well, i don't write these often so i'll just fill everyone in on some recent events. like 2 weeks ago i bought a 1987 VW quantum, 5 speed, 5 cylinder. i also got the 'brave new world' eddie above my 'fear of the dark live' eddie on my shoulder, full color after going to a friend's wake i was in the mood for some pain....
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went to kustom kulture today and talked to little joe (piercer) about the piercings i'm considering. i mentioned a bridge, vertical bridge, or cheeks. he liked cheeks and i said like 6 or 4 ga and he said 00 lol....if i do it, i'll go for a 4 ga i think. does anyone think i should get my cheeks pierced (if anyone even reads this)
go for it kiss
thanks for the add hun
well, i saw eyehategod last night and it was awesome, this band i think 'buried inside' was terrible. it was really loud. i did a 1 1/4" nape on a dude today, came out awesome. just sitting here listening to pantera. fun fun.
Hola Senor ... do you know if cupcake got his membership?