2 hours at the gym with a hangover.
I cant lift my arms, ugh the pain. And my head wont stop throbbing even after 3 glasses of water.
Why does god hate me?
Well hmm.. what to say.
Work really sucked, it was very cold out there. Ohh, and to top it off, apparently were drilling ontop of an old indian burial ground. At first i thought,"oh ya right. suuurree" But as it turns out, they arent kidding. We got a long lecture on what to do if we saw any bones or anything. We would have to... Read More
Ok, i managed to miss a week and a half of work, which means ill only be getting like a $400ish paycheck. My bills are $1500 a month. This sucks on so many levels. I cant afford cigs atm, which is putting me in a pretty ill mood.
Im gona be whoreing myself out for smokes, anyone?
Ive been sick the past 2 weeks. Much WoW has been played since im too sick to leave the house.
Work is tomorrow, im still sick.
Why does this suck so much?
Atleast i got some killer cough medicine, which i managed to consume the entire bottle in less than a day. For this breif period of time i felt good.... Read More
Looks like I will be heading to work with a hangover from last night. Should be a fun drive, not to mention my tag is expired. Hehe. Oh ya, and my oil needs to be changed like 2k miles ago. Bah ill do it when i get back.
You all take care and see you in 2.
Well im back from Texas. Went to the beach in Galvistan, nothing much to brag about. The water stunk some kind of awful. Seriously, I would just like to see some clear water for once at the ocean. It seems that everywhere ive ever been the water is like raw sewage.
I meet a girl at my buddies house there. She seemed cool for the... Read More
Yay. I have to leave for work on my birthday. Oh fucking joy.
Perhaps a party will be in order for when i return.
Well thats all for my update, that is if you can even call this random rant an update.
Go out and order a big juicy steak for my birthday you leaf eating hippies.
Omfg. My dead dwarf pallys corpse is now... Read More
I havent updated in awhile. Not much has happened recently other than my bros car breaking down so he is using mine, he got into college, im gona be taking up payments on my parents house when they move so its gona be mine, got a promotion at work and 2 raises, an opportunity has come up for a new job at another place that... Read More