For those who wished to know, my dad's operation went well (or at least, as well as expected). He's in a lot of pain right now, but, should be out of the hospital in a couple of weeks. They used 144 staples to close the stump wound, and my dad says they itch like hell. Only he doesn't have nerve endings there anymore, which means... Read More
Hold on... energy wasn't fucked up? How? Sweet evil Jesus how?
And where did you lose $61K worth of stuff?
The temp job sucks. I stuff envelopes 8 hours every day. But it's easy. I listen to music. Sit quietly. No one bugs me. I have zero responsibility and I don't have to lift shit. Plus, it's over soon and I'm hopefully getting the car jockey job.
a) I got into an arguement with my mom. It's funny, because she won't talk to me, and goes around telling everyone that I won't talk to her.
b) The argument pretty much made up up my mind. I'm moving out of Tottenham and my parents basement. I'm 24, so it's pretty much time for it. It'll be nice, cause I'l be... Read More
Another year come and gone. Looking back, it seems to me to be a very mixed bagged year. I broke up with my girlfriend, realized a lot of my friends really weren't friends, had tons of frustrations at my job, and found out my dad is losing his leg.
On the brighter side my parents finally moved in to thier own house. And I... Read More
My parents have been to countries I've probably never even heard of. They've been to countries that no longer exist. They've experienced a great deal of things in thier lives that most people will never get a chance to see on a television screen.
So when I say my parents are closed minded and homophobic, I say it with a great deal of sadness. I... Read More
I know I have people who like me, and a job, and parents who love me. And I appreciate all of it. I should thank my lucky stars I have the peace in my life that I do.
But I still feel alone. And there's nothing I can do to make myself feel otherwise.
1. Work still sucks. I'm still overworked and underpaid; and for one of the supposed fastest growing companies in Canada, we sure are employing a lot of stupid people.
2. Watched the debate with Lucy & Freakpirate last night. I learned that surprisingly enough; Jack Layton wants you to vote NDP and that Stephen Harper is a douche.... Read More
Warning: The entirety of the post contains self indulgent rambling. Reader discretion is advised.
I sometimes feel I don't really belong in social situations. I never know what to say to people. If I'm talking to a pretty girl, I feel like they feel I'm trying to hit on them(when in most cases, I'm not) and then I stop talking. When I do talk, things... Read More
For what it's worth, I got no creepy vibe off of you. I often don't know what to say in large, noisy groups, either. So I'm nodding to most of your post.
Discover the hidden meaning in your name
Go to , then click on General Info, Meaning of Names. Then copy and paste the meaning and repost.
Your calm manner and maturity belie a fierce determination to be at the top where you can exercise authority and get things done. Although somewhat of a rebel you attract much... Read More
They're up my wage by $1.50/hour. Which isn't what I was hoping for, but I did make them agree to further amendments to my pay in the next financial quarter.
So it looks like I'm staying where I am, at least for now.
I appreciate your concern, though. Thank you.