I'd like to dedicate my final post for the year 2013 to Oxford Dictionary's Word-of-the-Year, "selfie." Yes, folks, you've probably already heard, but in case you didn't, this year's special word is none other than SELFIE. If you're on this site [or instagram or any other social networking site], you've probably taken a selfie. And for better or worse, you also have seen innumerable selfies...
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So, we've almost made it to the end of another year, according to the Gregorian calendar. And as such, we will all inevitably spend a few moments quietly reflecting upon the past year, and look forward to the promising new possibilities of the upcoming year. Before being able to fully engage in reflection though, I feel like the F word needs to come into play.
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Gingerbread people and houses. Might not want to look too closely at our gingerbread decorating. It's a little iffy. The ginger people don't fit in the homes, but Santa and his reindeer plan on eating it tonight anyway.
Hope you all are having happy holidays with your loved ones!
I am so lucky to get to spend it with some my favorite people on Earth.
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You've all probably been asked some version of this question-- If you had only one day left to live, what would you do? How would you spend your very last day alive? [And you've probably answered, I'm going to Disneyland! Or maybe, I'd go skydiving and paragliding and visit the mouth of an actively erupting volcano! And I'd eat the fattiest trans-fatty, HFCS, GMO-MSG-filled, gluten-laden
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Potato family. With holiday hats. In case you were wondering what this is, it's the classic potato project/experiment. Stab potatoes with toothpicks, submerge it partway into some water and wait for something to grow. I don't remember doing this in my childhood. Do you? [I did the bean project though. The one where you put some beans on a wet paper towel and stick it
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Guys. How often do you think of your dick during the day?
Like let's just say you're awake a typical 16 hours in a 24 hour period, how often would your thoughts turn to your cock, or sex, or ways to gratify yourself and your partner? I've always wanted to know. About once an hour? Whenever you see anything shaped like a long cylinder? Or...
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When I went to the local thrift shop almost 3 weeks ago, I thought it would be relatively easy to find a wide assortment of ugly christmas sweaters to choose from. Not so, not so. Not a single ugly xmas sweater to choose from. [Did I come too late in the season? Too many ugly xmas sweater parties now? Too much demand, too few sweaters?
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Elf on the Shelf is a mischievous fellow. An impish Santa's little helper, since 2005. Gets into heaps of trouble. If you haven't heard of him, he is essentially a toy and book combo used by parents as a behavioral tool for kids, because the elf is Santa's spy and will inform Santa of any funny business. During his time off, it seems as though...
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The Ghost -- Sees all, but stays [mostly] silent. Sporadic, concise updates. #eyeinthesky
The Artist -- An enigmatic creator, transforming the mundane to magnificent #makernottaker
The Nudist -- Out with the old, in with the nude. Most popular blogger in town. #narcissusthemyth
The Chameleon -- Trendsetter with new hair color, style, and/or body modification every week. #coolcat
The Parrot -- Mimics what others have said
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Are you a creepy old man? Would you admit it if you were? Does the nature of being creepy prevent you from even realizing you're pretty creepy?! If you are above a certain age, and are still looking at nudie photos of girls (women) that are half, or a third or even a quarter (or a fifth?!?!) of your age, do you instantly qualify for...
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Have you ever had one of those moments when something really small and really insignificant happens and suddenly your entire world falls apart?
This is what happened this morning:
I was in a hurry carrying 8 beer bottles (4 under each arm) from the garage and back into the house to restock the fridge, and one of the bottles slipped out from under my arm...
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Our pagan-inspired tree. We weren't sure if we wanted a tree at all this year actually. Other years we just went through the motions, and celebrated Christmas because of inertia, it was what we had always done, and we felt it was expected of us. But this year, we wanted to be truer to ourselves and less disingenuous to others. In the end, we decided...
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