I am just about to head out for a few late drinks as I got to chat to some people I promise (Scout's honour) I will post tomorrow said blog.


Thanks to all the people who followed me recently sorry I haven't got back to you all personally but I've been in a dark mood till very recently. More about that in the forthcoming update from Alan.


Happy new year to everybody. Its been a while since I posted on this website and that's because my father died in August. and till recently (End of November) my mood turned as dark as it has for a very longtime and I became a social recluse.

You see I am defiantly my father's son I am spiting image of him looks wise and like...
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Had me drink on Wednesday didn't get wasted like I planned more dehydrated. I spent the best part of 60 on drink and in Weymouth that goes quite far seems I still have the ability to drink smile

Spent today with my Mum and the rest of my family. Played quite a lot of ball with my 11 month nephew Sebastian who is adorable. Tried to...
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Today my family and close friends gathered for the cremating of my father.

It was nice of the Red Arrows to put on such an aerial display for his passing he did love them. In all seriousness the first time they moved the display time forwards on Carnival day is my Dad's funeral they flew right over the procession and did one of their stunts...
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Its early Tuesday here as I post I say good bye to my father for the final time tomorrow as its his funeral tomorrow. frown

So its a turbulent time for me atm my mood has peeked and dipped so much recently I could be on a roller-coaster. I am going to have a quiet day as tomorrow will be a long day with a lot...
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sorry for your loss frown
So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you during this difficult time. x
After a long weekend which started on the Thursday I think I have finally recovered lol

It was very comical really I went out Thursday to try chat with the guys I want to start a band with. That didn't happen as there was confusion over the day (even though I stated I was going out tonight if you want to meet smile). So after...
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No problem, your welcome. Such a good set as your one deserves a nice comment smile
Thanks for the request kisses from Mexico <3
After the events of Saturday I've decided to be positive.

I know I have to be strong for the family my name is Alan which I know mean has multiple meanings but I prefer the Gaelic one that translates as "little rock" (don't think of myself as the other one "handsome" lol). I mention this as a rock is what I have to be for...
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Condolences for your loss. Good luck in being strong and for the change in your life. Sounds like you have a plan smile
Thank you for the kind words. I shall be strong for my family, its my elder brother I am more worried about smile

I do have a plan I can be very determined when I want to be. Most of the time too laid back and apathetic wink

If the band doesn't work out at least I should have the song for my father that's in my head.

My father passed away today frown

He was 65 and suffered from Parkinson's and bowel troubles. For many years he'd decided enough was enough and wanted to die I found out recently . But it still doesn't mean it isn't a shock

At least he died peacefully in his sleep with those who loved him by his side, I was one of those people. My Dad...
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I know frown Please keep watching anyway though LoL
Thank you for the kind words everyone.

Whilst its a shock he has passed on as it was so sudden I was expecting him to pass on soon. I accepted most of the things around his death it was more seeing him die and the shock as he was expected by everyone (including the doctors) to last longer than he did.

I believe he choose to move on as he was in pain and had met his grandson (my nephew) and was happy to die peacefully on his terms so its not to bad smile

Had a long weekend socializing including clubbing Friday playing Planetside 2 till the early hours Saturday and going drinking last night which I got back from not to long ago smile

Friday was a good night didn't start drinking till late but made plenty of new friends including two good guys called Matt who go by the names Thor & Loki (helped me remember their names...
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Well today my Dad has been put in hospital for a number of scans to see whats wrong with him. Its a bummer but at least they can find out what has made him so bad and why he's degenerated so quickly since I got back from China. It also means my Mum gets a break from caring for him which she needs, he will...
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Got a mixed day today. Whilst the sun is shining and its a lovely day in Weymouth I received a letter from the job I applied for saying I was unsuccessful in my application frown

The shame was that job was perfect for me as it was very similar to my last job, it was well payed in the IT and they would have given me...
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