My childhood is over my twenties have begun. I don't feel like elaborating on that statement.
I had a fun time in Dayton on the 5th. Joe drove me down and we hung out with his friend Jason who I think rocks! I am interested in him he's not an alcoholic and otherwise is witty and fun and like's good music, generally my type. We...
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I think my whole birthday thing that I have needs some explaining. I LOVE my birthday. I feel it is the only holiday worth celebrating (aside from Halloween of course). Birthdays are a time to be self involved without feeling guilty about it. They are a time for self reflection and fun. The importance of this day is almost indescribable. I have so many friends...
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Happy birthday. Today, however, is not my birthday, but thanks for the sentiment. It only seems like it is because of some weird sg thing with some guy that used to have my name but left the site, except his ghost still haunts certain pages.
Happy B-day !!!!!!!!!
but my stepdad's not mean he's just adjusting....
I got me car fixed, i got me almost enough money to pay bills, I'm working on getting my shit together. birthday who knows what's going on. watching death to smoochy wanting a copy of henry rollins talking about the movie from "live and ripped from london" but it doesn't exsist. i tired now. a lot. see...
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Am I invited?
Yes, doctashock. You are invited.
I am finally back on a schedule. I'm still immobile which completely blows but, last night I brought my friends to me. I needed a ride home so I called a friend, I needed someone to hang with me while I baked cookies so I called a friend. I'm still angry because while I was sleeping for 20 hours straight no one called me to...
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sounds like you know what you want......i'll come back in 3 days and wish you happy birthday, only cause you made me laugh. ARRR!!!

Call me for a ride if you need it.
pee tests, midgets, and sleep deprevation-recipe for success!

I'm sitting here watching Half Baked wow, I wish my dude would quit smoking for me but seriously that movie has the best cameos. Aright here' what' going on. I worked at the posh club, learned a lot about rich people, made a little money, not nearly enough. I got the job at the hospital. Today I...
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wow, what a week I think we left off when I was desparate for a job. Well, I got up at 6:30 am worked out with a friend and told her "Bill, I'm going to get a job today." so I did. Wait staff at the toledo club totally somewhere I've wanted to work for some time. today I had an interview at a hospital...
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I'd go with more money i mean, just because if you need it ... you can work there until you you're back on your feet or whatever, then do what ya want too'
God you are in my situation!!! And I have to decide today when she calls me-which could be anytime...looking for a job is stressful...picking the right one is too....I also bartend and waitress too (it can be good $ or so unreliable)...damned if u do damned if ya don't smile
Good luck-let me know what happens
I went to work and told my boss about the check bouncing and he told me about the place cllosing I'm officially unemployed but I'm gonna do everything I can to remedy that. I might even apply at one of the many adult bookstores in the area, if it comes down to it. I will not work third shift though. I hear those are the...
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That sucks man. And as much as I'd like to imagine the thought off you being forced to mop up my jizz every night... ( am so just kidding, don't freak out on me) I'd much rather have you working with me. Don't really know how much cash I'm gonna have to work with, but if I can employ a certain number of people, you are definitely towards the top of my list.
Well once I fund out my paycheck bounced my whole inspiration thing got thrown out the window. Sure, I had fun hanging out with the kids I chilled with but every couple of hours somehing horrible would happen. And now I have to get a more dependable job, one that gives me a dependable paycheck, One that makes me work. I'm okay with the idea...
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Actually after what I just found out tonight, you might want to talk to me as soon as possible.
Paycheck bouncey no good frown Hope things get better and work out for you. You got the right idea at looking at it on the positive side.
i made low carb mini muffins tonight. they turned out horribly. oh well. you know what i hate? when you fall asleep extremely early then wake up like a half hour later and can never get to sleep the rest of the night. i have to get up at eight, here it is 4am and i feel like i'm hopped up on no dose. whoo!...
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So I told Dave that I met you and he says:

"I'm sorry. Are you O.K.?"

Thought that was funny. See ya later.
Siouxsie love So I am assuming you have heard Creatures too right?

Did you use one of those Atkins mixes or a recipe? I heard the mixes are good..
i feel like shit. i feel as if there are five golfball sized tumors in my throat and when they rub up against each other it hurts like hell. i want to die.
on a lighter note i just saw lord of the rings 3 and i have a since of closure finally.
i was just skimming around, i noticed you like david bowie, i just returned home from the detroit show (palace). Bowie Rockz! And he closed with Ziggy!!