tomorrow has come! i got to make use of the university's misused dance studio yesterday, normally the highlight of my week, but i got two splinters in my left big toe( this being why i say it is misused )
i'll explain. the U of Toledo has no real dance department anymore. they have a dance program which consists of no majors in the field.This being the reason why i live in a town with a world class school and i do not take advantage of it.
the studio i speak of has mirrors all around but they cover them up with stage curtains also the wooden floor which i can only assume used to be lovely, is now crap because the school holds classes in it people with their muddy shoes treat it like the floor were mud itself.
but i try to make the most of it, i move the tables and chairs aside, pull the curtain away from the mirrors, hook up my stereo, and use the school's facillities the way they were intended; all the while not dropping a cent into a school that doesn't recognise dance as an art form worth teaching.
i think after july(when my lease runs out i might attempt to move out of this city and study dance at a school i would feel proud of to spend my money.
or not
only a dream
i'll explain. the U of Toledo has no real dance department anymore. they have a dance program which consists of no majors in the field.This being the reason why i live in a town with a world class school and i do not take advantage of it.
the studio i speak of has mirrors all around but they cover them up with stage curtains also the wooden floor which i can only assume used to be lovely, is now crap because the school holds classes in it people with their muddy shoes treat it like the floor were mud itself.
but i try to make the most of it, i move the tables and chairs aside, pull the curtain away from the mirrors, hook up my stereo, and use the school's facillities the way they were intended; all the while not dropping a cent into a school that doesn't recognise dance as an art form worth teaching.
i think after july(when my lease runs out i might attempt to move out of this city and study dance at a school i would feel proud of to spend my money.
or not
only a dream
welcome to the girls only group!