Today started early when Jared called and woke me up at 11am. The plan: go to Best Buy and buy a 50" flat widescreen television that was open box for cheap! Ok, we get ready and go to Best Buy. What we were planning on doing was financing the tv and split the monthly cost. What Best Buy's definiton of financing? You have all the money up front and then you could pay for it montly. We thought we could put some money down and do the monthly payments. Nope. Must have all money or no TV. Fuck that! We left empty handed. We go and eat at Inn & Out where I downed 3 grilled cheeses! We get back and I have 15 minutes to get ready for work. Go to work and work. Lauren calls me to tell me she is going to tape Valley Girl on comedy central. Michael gets excited that it's on and wants to tape it. He calls me back telling me Lauren is cuckoo and that the Ab Fab movie is on. Come to find out it was on AMC and not comedy central. So, I called Michael and laughed at him for not being able to tape it. Lauren taped it but I told her i'll get her a copy of the unedited version. I mean, who can't resist seeing E.G. Daily's tits! I mean, those are the boobies that mothered Tommy Pickles. Anyways, watching that movie edited is like watching Fast Times At Ridgemont High on KTLA. Must I also mention Phoebe Cates Boobies! Undoubtly the best i've ever seen in 20th century film. Hands down! Kevin Kline you lucky son-of-a-bitch! On a side note, I rented Strangeland. Never seen it before. I scored a 70's reissue of Blues Magoos 'Psychedelic Lollipop' LP. Jared gave it to me cuz he found a copy of the original press. Heard Generation X on the 80's radio station. Listened to Ramones, B-52's, & The Vibrators at work. Not to mention Jareds picks of the best of Blues Magoos (cant get enough) and the best of Beau Brummels. To end this all, the auction I put up on ebay sold for $315! $315 closer to pressing the Les Poetes Maudits release. Now finally.... Luxe is sexy. -Peace.