So, you want to hear how Duser Fiesta went?? Well, first of all, my friend Sasha showed me her boobs for my birthday. Quite lovely, so I asked to see them a second time. Wasn't turned down! Anyways, Duser was great but it was way too long. Didn't get to the beach which was a huge let down. That's what I wanted to do and had planned for so long, but didn't happen. Next time, I get to do all the planning. Oh, did I mention I got to see my friend Sasha's boobies? Well, they were quite nice. Ok, Duser... We dressed up like pirates and went to Club Perversion in Hollywood. They played some cool stuff and everyone thought we were cool or dumb cuz of the pirate get ups. My friend Elicia met up with her two friends, Joey and Lisa. I think that Joey guy owns the Geez Louise shop in LA and Lisa works for him. Not sure though. Quite hilarious those two are. Everyone's a faggot. MWa-ha-aha-ha. Inside joke I suppose. We went to my friend Jasons house and he nibbled on Sasha's ear apparently. Oh well. Alright, I will stop. I'm in such a weird mood. Must be this slim stuff Elicia bought me. Oh wait, theres a picture of us on the clubperversion site for october 10th! Check us out. We are dressed as pirates!
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