Alright! Two posts in one night! For the past couple of weeks, this really stupid girl has been constantly IM'ing & bugging the shit out of me! Here's how it all started... she was reading AOL profiles and stumbled upon my friend, Jordan's, profile and thought he sounded cool, so she IM'd him. Basically, this girl was looking for some dude to fuck... A real succubus! I had signed on to AIM when their conversation was taking place and Jordan pulled me into it. It was obvious this girl was hitting on Jordan, but Jordan is taken, so he pawned this chick off onto me. I started talking to her and what an idiot! This girl is head case! Here's her story... First, she tells me that she has a baby. (Oh, hmm.. no surprise! What a turn-off too, not like I was turned on to being with!) Then she tells me she's single (and horny) 'cuz her boyfriend/father is in prison for some drug deal gone wrong (oh, boy! The baggage that comes with this one is heavy). Now she is on the hunt for some fresh dick and mine will do just swell and dandy. Now at first, talking to this girl was a joke Jordan and I were having. Just reading some of the things she was typing and saying were humorous only due to the fact they were very stupid. Alright, so out of nowhere, she sends both Jordan and I pictures of herself; 2 with her baby, 1 without, and 1 nude pic! 'GASP' She sends two complete strangers naked pictures who she has talked to for 15 minutes. Either this girl is very liberal and well in touch with her sexuality, or this girl is just an idiot to begin with (If you want to know the answer to that, it's the second). At this point, we've about had it with her. Jordan got off easy 'cuz he told her he had a girlfriend and that turned her off to him. Jordan, however, had to take it a little further then that though. He told her that I was single. Oh! Not to mention he told her where we both worked! Now, she wont leave me alone, she has sent other sets of nude prints, and she knows where I work. Aha! Here's my ticket out! I've blocked her IM name. That settles her talking to me. Now, if she ever came into my work and asked for me, she'd be asking for some guy named Peter. During our conversation, after Jordan revealed to me that he disclosed our location of work, I asked him if he told her my name and his answer was 'NO'. Woo-hoo! So, we told her my name was Peter. Now, obviously you arent going to believe that's my real name? Well, if you do, you're mistaken. Peter Peace is just a clever alias. Anyways, if she comes into my work, asks for Peter, everyone otehr employee will inform her that nobody by the name of Peter works here. Then she'll ask for Jordan and today was his last day. He is moving to New Mexico in a week. Which is another thing i'll get back too in a sec... So, in conclusion, i've had a shitty couple of weeks due to this girl. I only wish to see this waste of sperm come into my work and ask for Peter (who in her mind, is fucking her brains out only if she really had any), get a deadend, then ask for Jordan and get another dead end. She will feel like an idiot who thinks she's been lied to. We didn't lie, I technically go by Peter, but my associates aren't aware of that. Maybe this girl will learn a lesson, plant a mind seed known as thought, and actually will think next time she does something stupid? I doubt it. This poor girl is really dumb and I feel sorry for her child. Her 17 year old mom is sending nudie pics to strangers when she should be in school.
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