I don't know if I mentioned this in a previous entry, but I'm moving into a new place in 6 weeks :D
It's closer to work, closer to Manchester. I'll have my own space, I'll have adopted two cats <3 I think I'm more excited at waking up to kitty snuggles every day than I am actually living with my girlfriend...? KITTIES!!! ^____^
I'm really fucking antsy at the minute. I just wanna buy stuff. I just wanna move in. I just want moving day to be here and done, and over with, and yeh, it's shit! I have zero patience. The last time I felt like time was dragging this much was when I was still at school and the 6 week summer vacation felt like an eternity. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"
I seem to be enjoying my music a lot recently too, I'm loving Type O Negative + The Cult a lot, but I really fucking love the Architects, a mathcore/metalcore band 'youth is wasted on the young' is immense. I seem to fall in love with lyrics, "I'll show you my hurt, and I'll show you my heart. A life lost in the dark" and then the controlled rage of "there are parts of me that are lost forever" oh, fuck. I'm listening to it now and it just kills me. It's just so intense. I always end up zoning out and focusing on that part whenever it's on ha!
I know I'm saving for a house but I'm really focusing on teaching myself Japanese at the minute. I've had a decidedly good breakthrough, I found a store in Japan that's willing to ship to the UK. I bought myself these!
It's a manga called ShiroKuma Cafe. Shirokuma means 'polar bear' and yeh, it runs a cafe. Sounds legit so far. I picked these for like $30 (£25) for all 4...? I found one importer who was charging £16 for just one! So yeh, I made a good decision getting these. The idea is that they're easy to read, gets me used to language used etc and yeh, they look quite cute so I had to buy them!
I think part of the reason that I feel so content at the minute is down to my job. I mean, money doesn't buy you happiness, but not having to worry about it, definitely gives you a sense of freedom and options
Hope everyone is doing alright <3