I'm quite liking this year so far, I've taken up reading again!
I love the smell that books have, I love kindles because you can store ALL THE BOOKS on one, but they don't smell...? A dilemma, for sure.
I actually started reading Jurassic Park. It's one of my all time favourite films, I was like 10 when it came out in '92. I've been into dinosaurs ever since, but never read the book! and I call myself a fan? pfft
I've been reading a lot of scientific papers a lot recently, too. Whenever I've got downtime at work I've been reading up on 'microscopic, chemical, and molecular methods for examining fossil specimens'
I watched a documentary about a scientist who managed to get soft tissue, including cell proteins, from a 68 million year old fossil and that got me hooked into reading more about it. Weirdly, it kinda ties into the work I do. Part of my job is the preparation of aircraft parts to be cut up and processed, where I'll then microscopically analyse them and prepare a report on them. Who knew that aircraft composites and 68 million year old bones would have so much in common? :D
I'm considering a career change in a few years time, this could be the start :p