So pirate day is over (except on the platforms I work on, but that's more to do with counterfeit pirates rather than Shanty)...
I'm keeping the profile pic, I like nostalgia, spesh as this weekend saw my little sister hit the big 20... Not sure if I feel old or dissapointed she is turning out to be a proper lady and not a punker rebel rock chick our DNA should promise. Although my Bro is just a complete slut, he wears his fashion well and his coke on his sleeve
SG has been giving me the 'I'm the slowest website in the world' shits all weekend, so not going to be posting in too many blogs tonight...
Just boiling the kettle for some cold relief, not sure where it came from but got a shitty sore throat and I'm thinking bed is calling
All else is quiet, not sold my car yet, not moved into the new place yet, not bought my Oz ticket yet, not quit my job... Yet!!
Patience is a virtue (or so they say)
I'm keeping the profile pic, I like nostalgia, spesh as this weekend saw my little sister hit the big 20... Not sure if I feel old or dissapointed she is turning out to be a proper lady and not a punker rebel rock chick our DNA should promise. Although my Bro is just a complete slut, he wears his fashion well and his coke on his sleeve

SG has been giving me the 'I'm the slowest website in the world' shits all weekend, so not going to be posting in too many blogs tonight...
Just boiling the kettle for some cold relief, not sure where it came from but got a shitty sore throat and I'm thinking bed is calling

All else is quiet, not sold my car yet, not moved into the new place yet, not bought my Oz ticket yet, not quit my job... Yet!!
Patience is a virtue (or so they say)

My tummy hurts, but I will eat more pickles. It's madness, I tell ya!