Damn, i've been having some serious fucking fun!
In no order, i'm now a qualified Adventure Diver thanks to the guys at CDC in Cairns. Doesn't mean alot other than i have a licence to drown
Had a brilliant 3 days out on the Great Barrier Reef, made some friends and had fun down to 30 meters below the surface (100 feet). Out last night with all my class and the rest of the dive peeps, they expected 20, but i brought along 12 alone. Got very drunk but not before being told i would make a great dive instructor for my ability to gel with a team from 14 yrs old to 50+. Tempting, a life at sea, meeting new people and having fun... so may do my Dive Master when i come back in December.
Other news, still in Cairns, off to the jungle tomorrow before flying back to Sydney. Before i got here I had a wicked day down in Bronte, walked to Bondi with an English girl who managed to get soaked on the edge of a cliff, had a lot of beer and met up in the evening. 100% no interest myself just nice to meet her buddies but she got pissed and announced I was an amazing person, really got into her head (like duh) but she couldn't shag me as i felt like her brother. Hahaha, phew, i got out of that 'cos there was noooo way
Stayed in skanky hostel in Sydney, i think i've had too much of the good life as it was hard work 'adjusting' but happy to say i'm back to reality now but very much looking forward to my hotel bed again before i fly back to San Fran and onto London next week.
Last night was interesting, chatting to one of the divers from Wales, seems funny how all the girls i've been talking to lately have some tongue piercing or other going on and a lust for life... but the waitress that served me last night, oh my god... Banana bar in her lip and she would stare me in the eye and run the top ball across her lip... fucking hell. Then the cheeky thing offered me a slow fuck for $5... a shooter as i guessed, managed to avoid the probably expected inuendo and had a nice chat with her too. Should have made her an 'Eddies Wife' shooter myself...
Been offered to join the girls night at one of the Dive masters house, smoke, pizza & video... maybe i should take some nail polish too but decided after getting a bit pissed last night that i'd just accept and be a no show :: boo :: not interested in pursuing random ladies too hard.
Been in the sun all day, feeling a bit cooked, it's the middle of winter here and still top end 20s (80f) and just fucking awesome. Not going to be hard to live here at all, just deciding whether to work Dive or IT or Club/Bar is the problem...
Enough, time to send some emails to secure a bed or two for my return.
In no order, i'm now a qualified Adventure Diver thanks to the guys at CDC in Cairns. Doesn't mean alot other than i have a licence to drown
Had a brilliant 3 days out on the Great Barrier Reef, made some friends and had fun down to 30 meters below the surface (100 feet). Out last night with all my class and the rest of the dive peeps, they expected 20, but i brought along 12 alone. Got very drunk but not before being told i would make a great dive instructor for my ability to gel with a team from 14 yrs old to 50+. Tempting, a life at sea, meeting new people and having fun... so may do my Dive Master when i come back in December.
Other news, still in Cairns, off to the jungle tomorrow before flying back to Sydney. Before i got here I had a wicked day down in Bronte, walked to Bondi with an English girl who managed to get soaked on the edge of a cliff, had a lot of beer and met up in the evening. 100% no interest myself just nice to meet her buddies but she got pissed and announced I was an amazing person, really got into her head (like duh) but she couldn't shag me as i felt like her brother. Hahaha, phew, i got out of that 'cos there was noooo way
Stayed in skanky hostel in Sydney, i think i've had too much of the good life as it was hard work 'adjusting' but happy to say i'm back to reality now but very much looking forward to my hotel bed again before i fly back to San Fran and onto London next week.
Last night was interesting, chatting to one of the divers from Wales, seems funny how all the girls i've been talking to lately have some tongue piercing or other going on and a lust for life... but the waitress that served me last night, oh my god... Banana bar in her lip and she would stare me in the eye and run the top ball across her lip... fucking hell. Then the cheeky thing offered me a slow fuck for $5... a shooter as i guessed, managed to avoid the probably expected inuendo and had a nice chat with her too. Should have made her an 'Eddies Wife' shooter myself...
Been offered to join the girls night at one of the Dive masters house, smoke, pizza & video... maybe i should take some nail polish too but decided after getting a bit pissed last night that i'd just accept and be a no show :: boo :: not interested in pursuing random ladies too hard.
Been in the sun all day, feeling a bit cooked, it's the middle of winter here and still top end 20s (80f) and just fucking awesome. Not going to be hard to live here at all, just deciding whether to work Dive or IT or Club/Bar is the problem...
Enough, time to send some emails to secure a bed or two for my return.
Glad you're having fun.