Out with my buddy Miss Behave tonight, if you check her 'Bizarre' links you should see it could be an interesting night out in the seed of Londons West End... Hehehehe
All is quiet here, on and offline, so BLog out --->
I'll be doing the diving course here in WA. There's a diving shop close to where I live. Then, if I get really into it, I'll go for the best spots all over Oz... and beyond.
Ok, I gotcha, you walk in the door, open the fridge and put a severed head on the top shelf. Am I right ? Huh ? Huh ?
Ok, I'm definitely watching too many horror films now!!
Where;s your favorite beach ? Mine - um... I grew up on a little bay beach in Bonbeach, it's not very exciting but it's MY beach. I also like any of the beaches at Wilson's Prom, have you ever been there ? They're wild and rough seas but there's heaps to explore. I love pooking about in rocks
Still not nailed my plans down for the future, so the house purchase is still on course, the car is still sold, not bought my flights down under yet...
House mate has quit and looks to be going out November, but I think apart from my 3 weeks Xmas/NYE I might be coming back and sorting 'life' out a bit... Read More
The theme sucks, the layout is wrong... put the Friends on the left at least like a nav bar...
Really not sure what is going on and it really hates my laptop!
Oh well...
Out with my buddy Miss Behave on Friday, if you check her 'Street' links you should see it could be an interesting night out in the seed of Londons West End... Hehehehe
All is quiet here, on and offline, so BLog out --->
Sold the car (already said that) got money to buy my ticket to Oz world ::Chuckles like the :L:::
Apartment sales going through nicely, House purchase going nicely ::Fingers crossed still::
Not much change. Shook off the cold thanks to Kaf inspired Fort building, went to some party in London with an Elvis Ice statue that you poured Vodka in and drank out of his... Read More
In other news, went to see the Fu Fighters last night (Yes FU...) As tribute bands go, I've seen better. Other conclusion we all came to last night was if you take a band like the FF, you are going to have to play tracks from... Read More
was checking the shop on the QPR site yesterday and they've got some ok jackets,so maybe hold off on the two jerseys for the moment coz i'm considering a jacket.I think its about the same price.....oh and stickers!!
Hangovers are the worst!!.. drinks heaps of water and sleep lots always seems to work for me!
How are the holiday plans coming along?? have you bought your ticket yet??
I'm done with Pirates too for now... The future is Highwayman - Dandy ones on course!
"One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize to-night,
But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light;
Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
Then look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me... Read More
Mine had a little rust and a lot of electrical faults. And it was running kind of bad cause I hadn't driven it for about 5 months. I'd just spent $1200 on the brakes and haven't even bedded them in yet. Oh well, can't win em all.
I saw a Delta Integrale HF on my way home this morning, which is a bit of a treat cause they're really rare over here. I've only seen 4 ever, and I think two of those were the same one.
So pirate day is over (except on the platforms I work on, but that's more to do with counterfeit pirates rather than Shanty)...
I'm keeping the profile pic, I like nostalgia, spesh as this weekend saw my little sister hit the big 20... Not sure if I feel old or dissapointed she is turning out to be a proper lady and not a punker rebel... Read More
Tired from staying up and firing out the eBay invoices last night... got about 300 for my Promo records and pic discs which is awesome
Been burning Compilations CDs for my housemate and it dawned on me... These are so personal. Each disc although just a selection of tracks still feel like something I created, something I put effort into. Reminds me of the tapes... Read More
i think the word cute suffers from overuse but i can safely say that the vagabond fin is SO FUCKING CUTE in a :L:ish kind of way. i love it!! as for a noogie....it is certainly not compatible with a fin...a noogie is when you grab someone in a headlock and rough up their hair with your fist...its like a blokey kind of way of expressing affection...it happens alot to me cos im short and most of my friends are big nasty blokes.
the last song id put on a compilation..hmm...depends who its for but if it were to someone who was contemplating suicide it would have to be release by pearl jam....to speed the process on along a bit.
Sat here, pushing midnight watching my eBay auctions of all my Picture Discs and DJ promo stuff hitting the last lap and the prices are going f*cking crazy
Last real box of promo stuff, RHCP, Metallica, GNR, Orb, Janes Addiction, NIN, NMA and more bizarre stuff like Debbie Gibson and Transvision Vamp (I roadied for Wendy James once, mad as a hat, but a great... Read More
Well that was a quiet week, but Friday was a laugh...
Spent the day on some 'Charity' project (No not Community Service) cleaning and polishing some river barges that are used for people with disabilities etc. Was a good day in the sun, out of the office and just being cheeky
Friday night was down in Saff (South but with the accent) London in Clapham... Read More
Yah!!.. that is great you have booked your ticket!!
Hope you are well!!
Want you guys to check out an old friends site (Lucyfire)
Very much in the SG theme, but more towards the fetish market...
Let me know your thoughts, I will pass them on.
Off to Oz now 13th Dec
BLog out ----->