Some people spend their whole lives trying to avoid them. I've never been afraid of obligations per-se, but I have been very cautious (perhaps too cautious) about avoiding obligations that could prove to be disastrous. What I've come to realize over time is how much I need them in order for my life to make sense. It was never a serious issue before, because at the core there was always a tight web of familial responsibility and mutual obligation. Now that my sister has passed away, my parents are getting older and I have yet to find a significant other or have any children, the spectre of being completely on my own has begun to loom uncomfortably large on my horizon. It's not inconceivable that I could eventually become a creepy old hermit who scares small children.
But forewarned is hopefully forearmed, and I'm going to do my best to ensure that dark fate doesn't befall me. I intend to rebel against my hyper-cautious nature and take a few reasonable risks that I might have passed up in previous times. With a bit of luck, it'll be enough to innoculate me against scary-old-man-itis.
Some people spend their whole lives trying to avoid them. I've never been afraid of obligations per-se, but I have been very cautious (perhaps too cautious) about avoiding obligations that could prove to be disastrous. What I've come to realize over time is how much I need them in order for my life to make sense. It was never a serious issue before, because at the core there was always a tight web of familial responsibility and mutual obligation. Now that my sister has passed away, my parents are getting older and I have yet to find a significant other or have any children, the spectre of being completely on my own has begun to loom uncomfortably large on my horizon. It's not inconceivable that I could eventually become a creepy old hermit who scares small children.
But forewarned is hopefully forearmed, and I'm going to do my best to ensure that dark fate doesn't befall me. I intend to rebel against my hyper-cautious nature and take a few reasonable risks that I might have passed up in previous times. With a bit of luck, it'll be enough to innoculate me against scary-old-man-itis.

im glad you like it, come and visit it anytime you want!!