Attack of the Giant Killer Squid
Climate dynamics can be a very tricky thing to grasp. We're having a cool summer in Oklahoma thus far - must mean global warming is a bunch of hooey, right? The thing is, it's the global AVERAGE temperature that's rising. That doesn't mean that nobody ever sees cooler than normal weather anymore. In fact, because of the impact global warming could have on critical ocean currents, it's entirely possible that North America could end up slipping into a seemingly paradoxical ice age.
One argument frequently heard from those who pooh-pooh the significance of global warming is that it's largely a natural phenomenon and human activity is a relatively minor factor. The thing is, it doesn't really matter if it's an ENTIRELY natural phenomenon - if warming continues at the current rate, the potential impact on human civilization will be devastating. Untold millions of people will die or become homeless if we can't figure out some way to slow it down significantly. For the bottom line minded, it's likely we could move into a global economic depression.
Unfortunately, the road to hell is frequently paved with good intentions. Eco-systems are compex entities - simplistic, poorly thought-out solutions will only end up getting us into even more trouble. Such is the currently fashionable idea of using corn to produce ethanol. It's such an inefficient, problem-laden idea that it will most likely end up harming our society by raising food prices without doing anything at all to reduce carbon emissions (farm equipment uses a LOT of oil and gasoline). Where a need for fast action intersects with a need for sophisticated analysis, disaster often ensues.
If you haven't read the article linked at the top of the page, the gist is exactly the sort of complex inter-relationship I'm talking about. Humans have over-fished and decimated tuna populations because folks enjoy eating tuna. Tuna are a major competitor for giant squid. Therefore a lack of tuna has allowed the giant squid population to explode. Giant squid prefer warmer sea temperatures - that preference has historically prevented them frompermanently migrating north. In steps global warming, which makes it possible for the now exploding numbers of giant squid to start moving into what used to be inhospitably cool waters. Thes squid are agressive feeders, and are now reducing the populations of other fish in the areas they're moving into. Thus the land of the B-movie is now literally being invaded by killer giant squid.
Where's Linnea Quigley when we need her?
Climate dynamics can be a very tricky thing to grasp. We're having a cool summer in Oklahoma thus far - must mean global warming is a bunch of hooey, right? The thing is, it's the global AVERAGE temperature that's rising. That doesn't mean that nobody ever sees cooler than normal weather anymore. In fact, because of the impact global warming could have on critical ocean currents, it's entirely possible that North America could end up slipping into a seemingly paradoxical ice age.
One argument frequently heard from those who pooh-pooh the significance of global warming is that it's largely a natural phenomenon and human activity is a relatively minor factor. The thing is, it doesn't really matter if it's an ENTIRELY natural phenomenon - if warming continues at the current rate, the potential impact on human civilization will be devastating. Untold millions of people will die or become homeless if we can't figure out some way to slow it down significantly. For the bottom line minded, it's likely we could move into a global economic depression.
Unfortunately, the road to hell is frequently paved with good intentions. Eco-systems are compex entities - simplistic, poorly thought-out solutions will only end up getting us into even more trouble. Such is the currently fashionable idea of using corn to produce ethanol. It's such an inefficient, problem-laden idea that it will most likely end up harming our society by raising food prices without doing anything at all to reduce carbon emissions (farm equipment uses a LOT of oil and gasoline). Where a need for fast action intersects with a need for sophisticated analysis, disaster often ensues.
If you haven't read the article linked at the top of the page, the gist is exactly the sort of complex inter-relationship I'm talking about. Humans have over-fished and decimated tuna populations because folks enjoy eating tuna. Tuna are a major competitor for giant squid. Therefore a lack of tuna has allowed the giant squid population to explode. Giant squid prefer warmer sea temperatures - that preference has historically prevented them frompermanently migrating north. In steps global warming, which makes it possible for the now exploding numbers of giant squid to start moving into what used to be inhospitably cool waters. Thes squid are agressive feeders, and are now reducing the populations of other fish in the areas they're moving into. Thus the land of the B-movie is now literally being invaded by killer giant squid.
Where's Linnea Quigley when we need her?

Thank you for the comment. So far I don't know anyone that was been affected by it, aside from the traffic hassle as of late. It's still pretty surreal.
I'm not completely sure I feel like I had a summer at all. Only two weeks between classes. Pff. I was already checking to see when Thanksgiving break was going to be! Horrible!