There were some films a while ago that I seemed to watch again and again they were - Where eagles Dare, the trotters to hull and back, whithnail and I and get carter. I don't know why but I loved them. I don't what people will think of this but I have always been strangely attracted to Linsey Lohan (even when she was younger). She reminds me a bit of Charlotte Church.
More Blogs
Saturday Jan 06, 2007
In turned out that me avoiding my family over Christmas was a smart m… -
Tuesday Dec 26, 2006
There were some films a while ago that I seemed to watch again and ag… -
Monday Dec 25, 2006
There's not much left out of a roast chicken. -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
My heads starting to swim a bit. One of tdescription of literature in… -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
It is amazing how many associations you have with a fag - I am readin… -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
I am feeling a bit high now it's probably cos its getting to dusk her… -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
I am getting a headache, I know what follows this is insomnia followe… -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
Right now I am wanting a cigarette - badly. -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
A typical christmas in our household is given over to my father alcoh… -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
I realise that nobody is reading this and nobody gives a shit - so I …
strip there? no