I would like to discuss film making. People these days seem to have lost the art. People refer to dreams as being significant showing some sort of truth about the individual. But a great film is like a dream only much much richer. There is a film by Robert Bresson called a Man Escaped. The thing that makes it stand apart from a dream is that it has a design. In it a French Resistance fighter is sentenced to death and awaits his exucution in a condemned cell. The thing that is remarkable about great films is that they all tell great truths - which we all know. The soldier is at a point where death seems inevitable but in that tiny room he is at his most alive. It is like saying the rich are poor and the poor are rich, hard to digest. Godard famously said about one of Bresson's films, that it was life in an hour an a half. That aspect of filming - economy seems to have been lost. Economy in Films you can see also in Howard Hawk's classics and you can hear it in the best of Miles Davises Music. That economy takes enormous confidence and ego strength. Artists seem to be weaker these days. Possibly because they are not serving anything. It is not the artists job to be comfortable. It is certainly not the Philosophers job to be popular. A great artist will use people and experiences he knows little about; its precisely that unfamiliarity that leads to progress within the artist. In a sense all artist have to be alienists.
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