Back to work. Holiday sucked yesterday, I had a stomach bug for the past two days. So I didnt do shit yesterday.
I started reading this book called "The Prince of Providence", and its all about Providence former mayor Buddy Cianci, and all his mob related bullshit. Since im from RI, its pretty cool. But you guys should read it because it reads almost like a Sopranos episode.
Interesting stories of how much Mob Histroy there really was here, and not to try and sound like im a made guy or anything like that, but my mother told me stories a few years ago on how my Father used to to work for the Patriaca's (the head NE mob fam at the time) and alot of the mob stuff in the book revolves around them. Wouldnt it be fucked up if my fathers name was mentioned in there?
So the Red Sox come back to playing AL teams, and start losing again. It couldnt last forever.
So if I put a wishlist on here, whos gonna buy stuff for me? Anyone? Bueller?
anyhow, I went through and deleted some people off the old friends list, and whilll prob send a few messages out today. So if your one of the privileged and recieve an email from me, be sure to respond in a quick manner. Or else.
I started reading this book called "The Prince of Providence", and its all about Providence former mayor Buddy Cianci, and all his mob related bullshit. Since im from RI, its pretty cool. But you guys should read it because it reads almost like a Sopranos episode.
Interesting stories of how much Mob Histroy there really was here, and not to try and sound like im a made guy or anything like that, but my mother told me stories a few years ago on how my Father used to to work for the Patriaca's (the head NE mob fam at the time) and alot of the mob stuff in the book revolves around them. Wouldnt it be fucked up if my fathers name was mentioned in there?
So the Red Sox come back to playing AL teams, and start losing again. It couldnt last forever.
So if I put a wishlist on here, whos gonna buy stuff for me? Anyone? Bueller?
anyhow, I went through and deleted some people off the old friends list, and whilll prob send a few messages out today. So if your one of the privileged and recieve an email from me, be sure to respond in a quick manner. Or else.
sorry you've been sick..that obviously sucks. my 4th was good. i decided to consume a very stiff drink which made the "party" with my very old relatives fun. i had a nice buzz on the entire time...the beauty of alcohol and or coffee. hubs mostly took care of the little guy and it almost felt like freedom. the book sounds cool. i am facinated with r.i's mob history....send it my way when you're done with it??