Another 9:30 night at work. Funny, now that they've actually laid out what's expected to be done by when, I'm kicking ass and taking names. Anyway, work sucks.
Decided to skip meeting up with folks at Thinking Man's, and went straight from work over to Eyedrum for a lecture on "Condensation, Displacement, and Abjection in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive." It was very academic, but fascinating in many ways. May inspire me to get on a David Lynch kick. Definitely need to see Mullholland Drive again, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet... shit and there's always Twin Peaks.
Agent Cooper is my hero.
Decided to skip meeting up with folks at Thinking Man's, and went straight from work over to Eyedrum for a lecture on "Condensation, Displacement, and Abjection in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive." It was very academic, but fascinating in many ways. May inspire me to get on a David Lynch kick. Definitely need to see Mullholland Drive again, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet... shit and there's always Twin Peaks.
Agent Cooper is my hero.
Never been to Youngblood, I need more exposure to the underground art places here. Somewhere I can display my work eventually.